Over the last four weeks, I’ve been attending a network event which was a design competition. This design competition was hosted by Omicron health group, who are a healthcare marketing and communications network in New York City. For the event I was working in a group with 4 others students from City Tech and was advised by Professor Josh Kapusinski, who is an Assistant Professor at City Tech , and teaches motion design at the college. The first week we learned on culture and how it relates to design. One thing I remembered from the first week was a campaign they showed on ketchup. At the end of the video/campaign they realized that when everyone hears the word ketchup, no matter from where you are, you think of Heinz. They had asked everyone around the world to draw a ketchup bottom, and ironically and funny enough all the people drew Heinz bottles. Heinz used some of the drawings as their ads. What do you think of when hear the word ketchup?