Although I started a while ago, this will be my first post talking about the internship. Over the summer before I applied for the Internship Class Fall 2020 semester; I applied to be Faculty Comms Design Team Intern. Over the summer there was a week-long rigorous training process, and in the end, I was chosen to continue with the Design Team. To be honest, the training was amazing, although the work was hard I appreciated the feedback, advice, and help I received from the Design Team. We had to do two Projects as well as learn how to communicate with the design team, how to communicate with clients, formatting, and more. I loved the process because it helped me learn more about how to tighten my work and create a meaningful piece.
Since the beginning of the fall semester, we have been meeting every Tuesday at 6:00. These meetings are Status meetings where we share the work we’ve been doing as well as get advice on the pieces we’re working on. Over the summer we had to create a poster for the City Tech Writer and also a personal Project. I continued the City Tech writer Project this semester. I went through 10 or more drawings before the last meeting where we finalized three drawings. I’ve loved all the feedback I’ve received.