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  1. danett Hay

    Danett Hay
    Research Paper {Abstract}

    This research paper will examines how Civil Rights movement and the Feminist movement impacted women freedom to have a voice in society. The purpose of research is to identify; if women are better off today? The Feminist movement culturally influence women to campaign for reform on issues such domestic violence, equal pay, sexual harassment, sexual violence, education, reproduction rights , the Equal Rights Amendment, and other reforms. I will discuss how the movement brought majors changes in the lives of many women, including women of color.
    I would show how women like Gloria Steinem influence the Feminist movement and black Power movement. Steinem was the first person to address domestic violence in her magazine, I will show how her articles and essay helped women. I will discuss how sexual assault relate to domestic violence and I will give statistics, on how many states allow wives to bring criminal action against a husband who inflicts injuries. Why do the media stereotypes women and girls? These stereotypes can be negative and degrading like in Wolf making so a slut. I will discuss how women are commonly viewed as an objects, like in the movie The Accused. I will show how the media can impact, how women perceives themselves.
    The Civil Rights movement have multi historically events that have impacted the way society viewed woman and people of colors. I will focus on the Mississippi Burning Trial, segregation, Civil Rights and current events that challenges, if the Civil Rights movement changed social America and did the effect the structure of the judicial court system. I will gather news articles and court document to suppose my views.


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