Author Archives: Smnnorales

Whitney Houston’s Will Description.

Whitney Houston has gained her fame and fortune through her wondrous voice and her amazing music. Her death was a complete shock to the music world and to her fans. Her will is very descriptive and very far from easy to understand for a person with little legal knowledge. The first disposition in her will was a general deposition. She left her furnishings and personal properties in her home to “any” of her children. Whitney left the portions in the discretion of the Executor. And was given the option to sell the personal property and include it in her residuary clause. 
If no child were to survive Whitney Houston, she would leave all her jewelry to her mother Emily Cissy Houston. The rest of her tangible personal property would be distributed amicably to Emily Houston, father, John Houston, husband Robert Brown, brothers Michael and Gary Houston. If the family couldn’t come to an agreement the Executor is to sell the property and include it in her residuary clause. 
Her Residuary Estate to be distributed per stirpes to her issue if they survive her. A decedent who is a beneficiary of her will who also is under 30 years of age will not receive their gift out right. Trustee will hold gift in a separate trust. If no issue survive Whitney Houston her residuary estate will be paid in equal share to Emily Houston, John Houston, Robert Brown, Michael and Gary Houston.
In Whitney Houston’s she has two separate trusts. In which are used for her brothers Gary and Michael Houston and her beneficiaries who are below the age 30.For the beneficiaries who are under 30, the trustee may from time to time pay them for specific things. They are to be paid one-tenth of the principal when the beneficiary reaches age 21. One-sixth of the principal when they are 25 years old. The entire remaining principal will be paid in full when they reach 30. The trust for her brothers Gary and Michael may get paid for maintenance reasons,  support, care, engagement, marriage, acquisition of a home, birth of a child, commencement of a new business enterprises or continuance of an existing one, medical requirements and vacations. Trustees are also to distribute how they see appreciate to the beneficiaries.