Week 10 Assignments (Hybrid Fall 2014)

Week 10 Assignments

This week, we will continue our work on the research project.  Here is a link to the Overview of the Research Project and Assignments for this course:


LJ10: THIS WEEK’S LJ IS OPTIONAL AND IS FOR EXTRA CREDIT: Make up your own LJ assignment and complete it.

GA10: First, please read “What Is a Bibliography?” (http://homeworktips.about.com/od/citationsandbibliography/qt/bibliography.htm)

Second, read about “The Bibliographic Citation,” what it is, how you can use it, and how to critically understand it (http://library.tamu.edu/help/help-yourself/using-materials-services/critically-analyzing-information-sources.html )

Third, please respond to the following questions:

  1. What is your discipline or major?
  2. Do you know which style guidelines (MLA/APA/Other?) are used in your discipline/major? If not, how might you find out?
  3. Write one paragraph explaining the ways in which research could or is used in your discipline or major.  What topics might need to be researched?  What do people then do with this research? Why are credible sources important to your discipline or major?
  4. List three to five types of writing projects (letters, lab reports, design briefs, proposals, etc.) related to the work done in your discipline/major that might require the use of some research sources or a bibliography.

RWA10.1: Preparing a Reverse Outline of Your Midterm Exam

Please create a reverse outline of your midterm exam by completing the structural overview of an essay worksheet that was handed out in class.

RWA10.2: Collecting Three Reliable Sources From the Internet

Please read and take notes on the following information about Beginning the Research Process, Evaluating Sources and Searching the WWW created by City Tech library professor Bronwen Densmore:

Finding Information on the InternetLearn now to conduct more effective searches on the open internet.
Evaluating Information on the InternetLearn how to evaluate different kinds of information available online.
Identifying the Source of a WebsiteLearn what to look for in order to identify the source of a website on the open internet.

Second, please read through the following information and COMPLETE THE QUIZ that is included on this site:http://www.vts.intute.ac.uk/detective/index.html

Then, please locate 3 reliable sources related to your topic on the internet and WRITE DOWN THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USING MLA STYLE GUIDELINES FOR EACH.  Try to gather at least one SCHOLARLY ARTICLE, one NEWSPAPER ARTICLE, and one MAGAZINE ARTICLE. Once you have located the articles, save and PRINT a copy of each–if you CANNOT print the article, please make sure you are able to access an electronic copy.

FOR NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT, you will be completing a Research Source Cover Sheet for each source and preparing an Annotated Bibliography. If you’d like to get started completing the research source cover sheets this week, feel free to do so.


19 Responses to Week 10 Assignments (Hybrid Fall 2014)

  1. 1.) My major is Fashion Marketing.
    2.)For my major the memo format is usually used.
    3.) For my marketing class, one of the assignments I have is to turn in a weekly marketing review on the topics in each chapter we cover in the textbook. This is help us understand the market and be informed about how marketing is applied in the business world. Our professor has the class doing these memos to give us an insight to search, which will have a great part of our careers. Searching on databases helps companies figure out if there is any new competitors that may be a threat to their profits and figure out what consumers want or need. With this credible information they can adapt to the ever changing marketing environment.
    4.) Besides this Hybrid English class, the only writing assignment I have been given is the weekly memos from marketing class. With each memo my understanding of how to perfect my writing of a short, 1-page memo based on an article from magazines like Business Week, The Economist and Vogue has improved and I am to apply marketing terminology in my writing. I have completed memos on the following topics:
    1.) How might Carnival Cruise lines be affected by increasing their prices on cruises to the Caribbean?
    2.) How Instagram and other social networking apps have made an impact on the buying process for high end fashion companies.
    3.) The good and bad aspects of using cause marketing for businesses with brand names.
    4.) How having an established brand name helps your business.
    5.) Fashion databases that have been created to help apparel companies understand what trends the consumers are interested and how much they should price their goods so they can make a profit and compete with their competitors.

    • Thanks, Adia!!! This is a wonderful post. Some of the research questions that you list in response to #4 are excellent, and I hope other students will look at them as examples of questions that are excellent examples in their scope, size, and feasibility (see particularly question #1). The Memo Assignment sounds like a very interesting and useful one. I have a few questions about it: How many sections or paragraphs are there in each Memo? Does each have a heading? To whom are these memos addressed? Also, I’m wondering if you could also try to imagine other writing projects that you might use in your career. For instance, business plans, press releases, descriptions of clothing items, articles for a fashion magazine, seasonal “look books,” etc.

      • Thank you Professor Rodgers! Memos are suppossed to be short and informative. Currently, my memos have just an introduction, one or two body paragraphs and a conclusion. Memos are usually addressed to senior marketers or another colleagues in a business. At the moment, my memos are addressed to my professor. Here is an example of a memo heading:
        To: Dr. Salisbury
        From: Adia Titus
        Date: 17 November 2014
        Subject: Weekly Review Number 10, Marketing 1100

        Per your request, I am giving you a review of the article, “Runway Fashions for Sale, Sooner Than Ever” by Alex Barinka, Business Week, 18 September 2014

        In my Principles of Selling class, for a group project we a creating a business plan. Basically we were given a list of role play cases we would have to act out. From there we would write a business proposal or put together a PowerPoint showing our clients what new products we have available and how they have improved from the last set of inventory they have purchased from our company. This is just an example of other forms of writing that are used by someone in my major, of course there are other forms of writing a Fashion Marketer can use as well. Hopefully I have answered your questions based on my previous post.

  2. Mok says:

    1) my major is pharmacy
    2) for my major prescriptions is mainly used to write on
    3) In my major people need to make medicine based on special amounts of chemicals. There is plenty of room of expansion in this area too for there is different kinds of drugs being made for different diseases every once in awhile. If we had to research anything it would probably be what it would take to make a certain medicine for a patient. From that research we would make medicine. If it were to go wrong we could potentially make someone sick, fail at making it do what it’s suppose to do and at worst kill someone. Credible sources are important because i’m not just dealing with chemicals, but i’m dealing with a human’s life as well.
    4) Letters, reports and proposals

    • Thanks! Are you taking any pharmacy classes now? If not, is there a pharmacist you could talk to regarding whether pharmicists use APA guidelines for their research? Also, I’d like you to edit and repost this response, paying attention particularly to subject/verb agreement. If you need some help finding the one or two errors in this post, I hope you will visit the Writing Center and ask a tutor for some help. I’ll look forward to seeing the edited version.

  3. 1: My major is nursing.
    2: For my major APA is usually used.
    3: In Nursing major, people need to train be a nurse. We’ll learn about how to examine a patient. If we had to research anything it would probably be how to keep up the health of patient with long-term illnesses. From that research we could increase the live of patients and made them feel better on psychically and mentally. Credible sources are important for my major because we need to make sure the best way for a patient when he is recovering or at the end of his life.
    4: Lab reports, proposals, medical records and experiment records.

    • Thanks, Ping. This is an excellent response content-wise. In terms of SWE usage, it needs some work. Could you please take this post to the Writing Center and review it with a tutor? I’d like you to ask the tutor for some help with: 1/ articles and 2/ verbs (tenses and agreement). After you’ve visited with the tutor, please post your edited response.

      • 1: My major is nursing.
        2: For my major APA is usually used for research.
        3: In Nursing major, people need training to become a nurse. We’ll learn about how to examine a patient. If we had to do research anything, it would probably be how to keep up the health of patients with long-term illnesses. From that research we could increase the lives of patients and made them feel better psychically and mentally. Credible sources are important for my major because we need to make sure of the best way for a patient to recover. We also need to determine the best care at the end of a patient’s life .
        4: Lab reports, proposals, medical records and experiment records.

  4. 1) My major is Liberal Arts.
    2) We use MLA in our major.
    3) For my major I use different sources. I need to do especially a lot of research for my sociology class, and that is research on behavior of cultures and society mostly. I can use news paper articles because they are up to date, and if I use a good article, it is often times very informative and credible. With this research we then write analysis papers, which focus on the behavior or aspects of certain groups in society to produce and answer to a problem, such as homelessness.
    4) Behavioral analysis paper, letter, essay.

    • Thanks! This is excellent. Although MLA guidelines are used in Liberal Arts, in the social sciences, i.e., sociology and psychology, APA guidelines are generally used. If you are you planning on majoring in Sociology or Human Services, which is what you would major in if you were to stay at City Tech for a Bachelors (and, of course, we would like you to stay here ;) ), you would use APA. Please let me know which one you would prefer to use for your research project. Either one is fine.

  5. Nina Lopez says:

    1. My major is psychology.
    2. For my major MLA format is used.
    3. When dealing with psychology, research is a very important aspect. For my class we learn how the mind works and what causes us to do certain things. Research that is used would be the findings of previous psychologist came to conclude through their research as well as experiments. From psychologist first findings other enhanced their idea and continue to shape and gain information. Lastly, learning the parts of the brain and understanding the nervous system and how things respond also relates to psychology.
    4. Interviews, article, experiments and, journals

    • Thanks, Nina. Please see my comment to Daytona above re: the use of APA style guidelines in the social sciences, and let me know whether you’d prefer to practice using MLA or APA guidelines for this research project.

  6. Thank you Adia, Michelle, Ping, Daytona and Nina for getting these Group Assignments in by the due date!

    All best,

    Prof. Rodgers

  7. Barry says:

    1. My major is computer/electrical engineering technology.
    2. Im not 100% completely sure which writing guidlines are used in my field of study, however i believe one can find the answers here http://libguides.usc.edu/content.php?pid=170726&sid=1437539
    3. In the field of computer engineering research is often used by students to identify certain aspects of an issue they maybe facing. Wether its writing a code, identifying an issue with an algorithm, or just looking for components crucial to a project, engineers take it to the internet or books in some cases to search for the best tool. Technology is constantly changing, an research allows engineers to stay up to date with new hardware and software. Often after the research is one, the person use the code or idea represented by the research to better their own project, and of course citing or giving credit to the original author.
    4.searching or a code
    looking for the right components for a logic board.
    identifying issue with a project.

  8. Berenis Rosa says:

    1. Major: Psychology
    2.Style guidelines that are used in this major is APA style because it is used for scientific writings in term of papers such as research reports, empirical studies. literature APA papers are divided into sections which are Title page, abstract introduction, method, results, discussion, references, appendices. Research is important in this major because it helps us understand the way people think which leads us to developing effective treatments to improve quality of life to individuals. Research plays a big role in psychology because this is how we gather up our information to use for today’s living or even for future references
    3. Writing Projects – Reviews, theoretical articles, methodological articles and case studies.

  9. 1. Major: Optometry.

    2. I believe AMA guidelines was used in my major.

    3. Research could be used to choose the best product for different things used in the field such as tightening tools, eyeglasses, frames, and cutting machines. Topics that would need to be researched may be things like how to do autorefraction, or history of optometry to better understand the field. Credibility is very important in my field because I personally had an experience in which a professor was taught wrong and tried to teach my peers and I differently from what I was taught in high school.

  10. cordeeliaxo says:

    1. Major: Undeclared Health
    2. I’m not sure which style guidelines are used in my major but I could figure out by asking my professors for major related classes.
    3. In my major, research is used to find the answer for things. For example, in my anatomy and physiology class, research on the human body is typically needed to study illnesses, diseases, etc. Once research on the human body is found, it is applied to the topic at hand. Credible sources are crucial for this major because incorrect information on the human body can potentially lead to the misdiagnosis of an illness or problem with the body.
    4. Other than this class, I have completed very little writing assignments. However, an example of writing I’ve done includes labs for anatomy. These labs require us to examine something and write our observations.

  11. kamranxeb says:

    1: Undeclared Accounting
    2: I’m not sure what style, accounting class mostly consisted mathematical related stuff
    3: In my major research is used to find out the financial reports of a business or individual
    4:beside this class, i have written few papers for my history of US class, that requires MLA style writings, and research through reliable sources

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