Please introduce yourself by replying to the this blog post.  Make sure to include your NAME, your MAJOR, and a few things about yourself that you’d like to share with the class.  PLEASE also include  three questions that you’d like your classmates to answer and reply to the questions of  at least TWO of your classmates.

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50 Responses to GA1.1: INTRODUCTIONS

  1. Adia Titus
    Fashion Marketing
    I grew up on St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands (a group of islands near Puerto Rico). Fashion has been a love of mine from a young age. During my spare time I love to sketch and paint. I also love to go to Carnival activities on St. Thomas such as Food Fair, Village & many more. One day I would like to design the costumes for a Carnival troop.

    1.) Does anyone know of the US Virgin Islands?
    2.) What is your dream job?
    3.) What would be your dream vacation?

    • Mok says:

      Hi, this is Michelle here and i’ll be answering your questions.
      1) I don’t know of the Virgin Islands.
      2) My dream job is to be a pharmacists making my own kind of medicine that will actually be 100% beneficial to others.
      3) My dream vacation would probably be a vacation where I go somewhere with all my close friends and just forget all the worries we have.

    • Eddie says:

      1) I have no clue about the US Virgin Islands, you should tell us about it.
      2) My dream job right now is……*drumroll*…………………….fixing any kind of computer system! Hardware and maybe software.
      3) Going to Venice Italy

    • 1) I’ do know about the US Virgin Islands I just don’t know where they’re located.
      2) My dreams job is to be a comic book artist or animator for DC or Marvel Comics
      3) my dream vacations is to go to Europe.

    • My dream job is a comic/nerd shop owner

    • ninalopezx3 says:

      1. Negative.
      2. My dream job would be to become an actress.
      3. My dream vacation would be to go to my own island and have free food. Scratch that free everything.

    • ninalopezx3 says:

      1. Negative.
      2. My dream job would be to become an actress.
      3. My dream vacation would be to go to my own island and have free food. Scratch that free everything.

    • 1.) I had an amazing teacher from there.
      2.) My dream job is to be an optometrist.
      3.) My dream vacation would be somewhere with an breath-taking view like Hawaii.

    • 1. I actually don’t know about the US Virgin Islands.
      2. I don’t have a dream job in mind right now, but it is my dream to help others.
      3. My dream vacation would be Taiwan.

    • 1. I actually don’t know about the US Virgin Islands.
      2. I don’t have a dream job in mind right now, but it is my dream to help others.
      3. My dream vacation would be Taiwan.

    • EHarrison says:

      1.My dream job is a to be pastry chef .
      2. My dream vacation would be to go to Africa and start up a non-profit organization to help the less fortunate individuals and to also cater to them with a bunch of fulling pastries.

  2. Mok says:

    My name is Michelle Dong.
    My major is currently Undecided.
    I have a dream occupation, pharmacy but I’m not really sure how to go about doing it in my own way as to make my own medicine in order to make it 100% beneficial to everyone and there health. I like helping people. I like following my own rule of “One good deed a day” , at least.

    Here are my three questions.
    1) What is one thing you regret not doing because of your parents and why?
    2) If time froze for a minuted what we you most likely do?
    3) If you had the ability to do anything in the world what would you do? (From having Super powers to helping all the homeless/ hungry that type of thing)

  3. Eddie says:

    Hey, my name is Eddie Siaca
    My major is Computer Engineering
    really learning to mess with(be it fix or create) is a dream of mine, but I think it’s good to want to do as much as you can or feel like doing.
    I’m really into Hip-Hop and actually rap myself but I wouldn’t say I dream of being a rap star, just you know, being good at what i do haha.
    I’m also into gaming but again, just for fun as well. I guess they’re all dreams.
    Can’t wait to get to know you all! :)
    My three questions:
    1) What’s your favorite genre of music and why?
    2) What do you like to do for fun?
    3) Is it you in the greenroom?

    • 1) my favorite genre of music is mostly rock and metal because I pretty much grew up with it and played drums.
      2) I like playing soccer for fun because it’s a really fun sport and I always end up meeting new people whenever I play.
      3) Yes it’s me in the green room

    • Mok says:

      1) I don’t have a favorite but I don’t like classical, songs with no lyrics (to an extent), jazz, blues and some rap.
      2) Either play basketball or read manga.
      3) What green room?

    • 1) My favorite genre of music is Rock. But I’m open to any style because I simply appreciate the artists and the act of creating music as an art.
      2) I like to play guitar, play with synthesizers, and bike.
      3) I mean, I guess not…

    • 1.) There are several genres of music I enough. I really love Soca because it’s lively and helps me with stress from schoolwork.

      2.) I love to sketch and paint for fun.

      3. What are you talking about?

    • 1 so I have a couple genres. I love country music cuz its awesome and funny sometimes, I love anime music because its so catchy and in Japanese, and I love romantic love Songy type music because I admire the amount of passion in the lyrics. I also like any random song that I can sing along to.
      2 for fun, I watch Netflix, go on YouTube, draw,listen to music, write, play with logos or my megazords (yes, I’m 17and I still play with power rangers, deal with it lol) and cook/bake here and there.
      3 I’m not sure, is it me in the green room? It could be. I’m in a lot of places most of the time.

  4. Hi! My name and Rodrigo Campos
    My major is Advertising and Graphic Arts
    Uhhhh where do I start? Well for starters I’m a very quiet but fun person to be around with. I was born in Chicago and moved around a lot before coming to New York. I really love to draw and sketch stuff, usually anything related to comic books. I’ve been drawing since I was 8 and I really hope to improve and one day become a comic book artist or animator for DC or Marvel Comics. I’m also a really huge soccer fan so you’ll sometimes see me in jerseys. I hope we all enjoy this year and I can’t wait to get to know you guys better!
    Three Questions:
    1) what’s your favorite movie?
    2) if you can go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
    3) What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

    • 1.) I have several movies that I love. One of my favorites is Taken. I really love action movies.
      2.) I would like to go to Morocco. I love the patterns on their fabrics. Their furniture also looks warm and inviting. If I had the money I would decorate my room in a Moroccan theme.
      3.)I have no idea. Is it water?

    • ninalopezx3 says:

      1. My favorite movie is step brothers.
      2. If I could go anywhere it would be Hawaii, because it’s HAWAII!
      3.Thirdly you hurt my brain I have no clue.

    • 1.) I have so much I can’t choose but if I had to it’ll be ‘The Wood’.
      2.) If I could be anywhere in the world I’ll choose here. It’s kind of cheesy but I love where I am just fine.
      3.) A Towel!

      • Thank you, Natalia, for answering that riddle!!!! I really enjoyed reading your answer without knowing for sure which question you were replying to. I’m also really delighted that you’re happy to be where you are. However “cheesy” it may sound, since we are all here anyway, we might as well celebrate that fact.

    • 1. My favorite movie is Kung Fu Panda.
      2. I would go to Taiwan, because I want to eat and shop there.
      3. I don’t know.

      • 1 my favorite movie…. I’ve got a couple. I love the Alien movie series, as well as the transformers series, every marvel movie and spirited away.
        2 japan. I would love to go shop and visit my family
        3 somebody already anwered the riddle, so um…..I’m just gonna say cheesecake. (Yeah, that just happened)

  5. 1/ I also have several favorite movies. But one of my all time favorites is Jean Luc Godard’s “Bande a Part.”
    2/There are always so many places I’d like to be! Italy is often at the top of the list, as is Greece, but since I’ve never been to Asia, I think I’ll say India is the place where I would most like to visit right now because I’ve been trying to get there for so long and because I would like to see some of the architecture there.
    3/ Puzzling. I’ll have to think about this.

  6. My name is Douglas
    My major is graphic arts and design
    Im 17 years old and I’m obsessed with Japan. I dont play video games, I prefer yugioh instead. I love to draw, although I’ve only started recently and I take a lot of my design cues from the show Winx Club (which I admire for its individuality as a medium between traditional anime and classical Disney princess). I am a loud, fun, and outgoing person and I have a burning desire both to make myself known and stay humble and true to myself. I aspire to produce my own cartoon/anime series as well as own a comic/collectibles store. My Facebook name is Sasuke Kaiba, after two of my favorite anime characters and I choose not to upload photos of myself, letting my art represent me as a person. Add me if you ever want to chat bout anything within my knowledge, or if you just need a friend. (Just message me first so I know who you are) p.s. I’m doing this on my tablet, so if my responses are cut off to you’re questions, I’m sorry.

    I want to know:
    1) what is your most striking feature, in your opinion?( you’re intelligence, hair, fashion sense, etc.)
    2) if you could fluently speak any language, which would it be?
    3) what was your favorite cartoon growing up?

    • ninalopezx3 says:

      1. I would say my smile is my most striking feature.
      2. I would love to speak Portuguese because thats where my grandparents are from.
      3.This is tough ummm I would say Tom and Jerry even though they don’t speak

    • 1.) My most striking feature would probably be my personality. Can I say that?
      2.) I would love to be fluent in french.
      3.) My favorite cartoon growing up would have to be Courage the Cowardly Dog.

    • 1) My most striking features are my eyebrows. I don’t know why but my mom said so.
      2) I would want to speak Klingon, because you know… it’s awesome.
      3) My favorite cartoon growing up was Popeye.

  7. ninalopezx3 says:

    Hey, so my name is Nina Lopez.
    My major is radiology. I’m a very outgoing person,and easy to get along with. I like to write in my spare time- I want to write a book one day. I also like doing hair and make-up. Hmm, what else? I think I have a pretty awesome personality and I guess that’s pretty much it

  8. I’m Natallia Richards
    My Major is Liberal Arts.
    I’m 18. I plan to open an optical with my close friends after we get our degrees. I love to dance and draw. My family is from Jamaica and Trinidad. I’ve been told I come off as very rude but I’m not.

    1.) If you can have any superpower(s) what would it be?
    2.) Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?
    3.) What High School did you go to and where?

    • 1.) I’d probably want Storm’s superpower. Does that count?

      2.) I see myself still living in New York and trying to establish myself in the fashion world or going to work abroad.

      3.) I went to Antilles School on St. Thomas.

  9. Barry says:

    1.Hello earthlings may name is Ibrahima (the a is silent) pronounced “ibrahim” but i prefer to be called Barry.
    2. My major is computer Engineering technology
    3. I have always loved fixing phones and broken electronics . I worked 2 years in a phone shop fixing broken iphones/android devices. I AM NOT AN IOS FAN. ANDROID TO THE DEATH OF ME. oh and i like messing with the software of android devices to customize and do as i feel with it being that google made it an opensource software for developers.
    Questions Id like to be answered:
    1.Week ones assignment is only the front and back of page one right. the rest is just general reading?
    2.Does anyone here plan on graduating from city tech or will you guys transfer after 2 years?
    3. This question goes out to Eddie the one who’s majoring in computer engineering as well. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now as an engineer?
    1. To Greenedragon96. If i can learn any language i would choose Mandarin. As the populations of the Chinese grow so will the demand for people who speak the language.
    2. And finally to eddie for fun i like to root/flash custom Roms on my phone for experimental purposes. I also like playing football and occasionally basketball.

  10. Hello fellow students. My name is Daytona Starsky van Eijck, but most people just call me Starsky. I’m currently undecided on what major I want to join. I was born in a little town in the Netherlands called Eindhoven, I lived there untill I was 14 and then moved to Brooklyn. I went to Brooklyn Technical High School. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was 6 years old, I also play the drums. I like to skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard, surf, and just anything that involves a board basically.
    1) Does anyone know the difference between Holland and The Netherlands?
    2) Who is your favorite artist (music)?
    3) Have you ever been to Europe, and if so where?

    • I know that Holland is a region of The Netherlands, but since I’ve never been to The Netherlands/Holland, I’d love to know how residents of The Netherlands distinguish the two terms. I have been to Europe several times and I have lived in England, France, and Germany at various times. I’m hoping to get to Amsterdam sometime soon. I know you are too young to be an avid fan of the 1970s TV show “Starsky and Hutch,” but I’m wondering if, with your nickname, you may be familiar with it.

    • Matthew says:

      1) My teacher told me about it, but i keep forgetting.

      2) I like any music with a loud, fast, and crazy beat.

      3) Ive been to Poland, Ukraine, and Italy. I wish i could go to The Netherlands.

  11. Hi, My name Ngon Ping Chan. I’m 19 years old. My major is liberal arts & science. I come from Hong Kong, which is a special city for everyone. It welcomes anyone who is interested to visit. I like to play volleyball, it’s my favorite sport. I was on the school volleyball team when I was in high school. I like to eat, and my favorite fruit is watermelon.

    1. How do yo relax?

    2. Anyone likes volleyball?

    3. Anyone knows Hong Kong?

  12. EHarrison says:

    Hi, my name is Epiphany. I am a Hospitality/Business Management major. Specializing to be apart of the culinary arts program and to fulfill my dream of becoming a very successful pastry chef. I am a transfer student from Nassau Community College. My favorite color is Red. My nationality is Jamaican.
    1. What is your favorite genre of music?
    2. What is your favorite dessert?
    3. What is your nationality ?

  13. Matthew says:

    Hi my name is Matthew Czyz, but everyone just calls me Matt. Im a freshman majoring in Civil Egineering. Im Polish and I live in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I am a very nice person and easy to talk to even when I don’t look like it. I like going to the gym and playing sports. I have a part time construction job and thats it i guess…

    1) Whats your favorite food?
    2) How many fingers am i holding up?
    3) How long does it take you to get to city tech?

  14. Berenis Rosa says:

    Hi there :) My name is Berenis Rosa. my major is psychology. I love meeting new people though i am shy at first. i love playing volleyball, i was actually one of the founders of my volley ball team in high school. I’m into all kinds of music, most of all i like to have a good time …

    What your favorite sport ?
    whats your favorite kind of music ?
    where would be your dream vacation ?

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