GA1.3: English Handbook Selection: What and Why

After deciding which English Handbook (Good Writing Made Simple or the Open Access Handbook, or possibly another English handbook that you already own) you will be using for this course, please reply to this BLOG POST by explaining which English Handbook you will  be using for this course and why  you chose the one you did.

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14 Responses to GA1.3: English Handbook Selection: What and Why

  1. I will be using the Good Writing Made Simple English Handbook for this course. I chose this handbook over the Open Access Handbook because I would rather have a paperback copy.

  2. Barry says:

    I will be using the paper copy English handbook as well. I rather have a copy of my work just in case of a technological issue and my work disappear.

    • Thanks! This week, it has struck me as notable that people who work regularly with technologies (like yourself, I imagine), are possibly more aware of the possible malfunctions in technical systems than those who don’t work regularly with technologies.

  3. I will be using the Good Writing Made Simple handbook as well. I came upon this conclusion for the simple reason that I found a cheap one. Also for the same reason that Barry and Adia have mentioned, a paperback version is more practical.

  4. Mok says:

    I’m also using Good Writing Made Simple handbook as well. I’ve been looking around for it for quite awhile and I finally got my hands on one. I work better with hands on things. I like having a copy on me so i’d be able to use it anywhere at anytime. In a sense it’s more convenient for me.

  5. EHarrison says:

    Professor can either one of the handbooks be purchased in the schools book store ?

  6. EHarrison says:

    Ok so in that case I guess I’ll be using the Good Writing Made Simple instead of The Open Access handbook I would prefer a hard copy of the work.

  7. Matthew says:

    I will be using the Open Access Handbook. because all i have to do is open up the page, and i can access it directly on my computer which will be easier. Also it will save me some cash.

  8. I will get the Open Access Handbook because I will be able to access it on my phone or computer. That’s one less book to carry around and I will save A LOT of money.

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