G.A. 3

  •        I believe there is many reasons why people are so critical on their writing , but are confident  they are just talking. One reason why I think this happens is because some people find it to be easier to just talk about things instead of writing a paper on the topic. Another reason can be most people usually don’t like finding mistakes on their papers and being judged it. Usually when people talk their ideas seem to come out easier. Most often people know what they want to write, but just can’t write it down on paper.
  •       I personally believe most people are more confident speaking than writing. I make this theory based on myself and several people I know. I feel as though when you speak you don’t have to worry about much, for example: spelling and length of the paper if you write. I think I am more comfortable expressing myself in writing because personally  I am a very quiet person who doesn’t like to talk a lot. Some Factors that come to play in me preferring  in speaking than writing is the main fact I’m a really quiet person and I am a very creative person with a good sense of imagination when it comes to writing. A strength I have as a communicator is being able to break down and clearly explain my ideas and opinions.  I believe I have this same skill when it comes to writing and speaking because I feel in order for someone to fully understand you you have to break it down into details.
  •       When I brainstorm, I first think about what is the topic I’m going to be writing about. I have to make the it is a topic that I can go into great detail instead of having a short paper. While thinking of topics to write about I make little side notes on what I can write about the topics. While brainstorming I also think about who would be reading my paper, so that I can make it so the person can understand the points I am making.
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2 Responses to G.A. 3

  1. Thank you, Ariel. This is a really excellent post. I will respond at more length later since at the moment, I am running off to class!

  2. Shaquille says:

    Professor I apologize for missing so many classes I have tried to keep up on openlab and from what I understand we basically open a new blog post with the assignment tittle and you will note and respond to it and all other in class assignments we simply bring it to class?

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