Some Answers to Questions About Our Course and Course Syllabus

Syllabus Questions

Posted on September 9, 2013 by John

1. The one to two learning journal how are we going to be given that, every Monday or would it be on a new blog post?

2. For the Final Writing Portfolio how would you like it to be in a big folder or in something else?

3. The Preparedness text where are we going to find it are you going to tell us where it is or do we have to log on to find out what it is?

Johnny, Thanks for these questions! Your Learning Journal Assignment will be in the Weekly Assignments Folder on our Open Lab Course Site along with your Reading and Writing Assignment and Group Assignment. For the first couple of weeks, I will also be handing out printed copies. For Final Writing Portfolio, you can certainly use a folder if you’d like, but I’d actually prefer a paper clipped packet without a folder. Regarding your Preparedness question, the text I am referring to is whatever the assigned reading as been for the week.

Shaquille says:

That seems interesting, those were very good questions I just have one what does this course have to do with your major?

I’m very interested in EVERYONE’S responses to Shaquille’s question, which is really central to our course. Let’s talk more about this!!!!!!


1. If we are sick, are we able to bring in a doctor’s note and to be excused for the absence?

2. For the two notesbook that are required, can they be digital?

3. Will our assignment be submitted online or offline?

JiaQi, Thanks for these questions! Regarding your first question about absences, I leave it up to you to manage the three absences that you have for our class. If you don’t end up using any of them, or fewer than three, you will get extra credit for the course. If you use all three, your grade will not be affected. With more than three absences, your grade will decrease; with more than five you will fail the course. Regarding your second question, I’d like at least one of your notebooks, I leave it up to you to choose, but I strongly recommend having at least one analog notebook since you may write differently in longhand versus type. Assignments will be submitted both online and off.

Posted on September 11, 2013 by JDominguez

My name is Orlando Dominguez and I’m 17 years old. My major is Electrical Engineering Technology. I like to listen to music, draw, and watch movies


1. How many book do you think we will be reading other than the ones the professor listed?

2. About the absence policy I keep hearing you are allowed to miss 2 days but in the syllabus it says 3. Does anyone know how many days is it?

3. Does anyone know if we are all going to be in a session in the open lab for class or if it is when ever you log on?

Thanks for these questions, Orlando. Your first question is actually quite a sensitive and complex one for me. I say this because, technically speaking, I have not assigned any books on the syllabus. A book for me is a printed codex text. An ebook is a digital version of a printed codex text. I suppose you could call the Norton Field Guide that we are using a type of ebook, but that is not entirely accurate. It is better described as a website. All of the readings for our course are excerpted from various magazines, books, and websites. I’d love for each student to choose a book or ebook to read in its entirety over the course of the semester, and I have lots of recommended books for those who are interested. I’ll post a recommended reading list on our course site.

Your second question is, believe it or not, also somewhat of a trick question since our course is a hybrid rather than conventional section. The college policy on absences is with three or more absences a student may fail a course. Usually professors extend this to four since this is the equivalent of two weeks of a course that meets twice a week. Basically, my policy is, except in the case of seriously, super-extraordinary circumstances, if you miss more than three weeks of our course, you will fail the course. I also give extra credit for students who come to every class. I have no doubt we’ll talk more about the attendance policy when we meet next week. Finally, regarding your third question, I have a fairly simple answer! It is whenever you log on and/or do the assigned work for our course.

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