Author Archives: Angel Diaz

20 years before the 1st (final part)

halo_wars_game_2-wideThe is the last part to this small little series of big expectations but big let downs. Now there are millions of fans of the halo series and I’m obviously one of them if you read my Bio. Halo Wars was part of series and was a great installment for its first real time strategy game. Now it is only available on the Xbox360 and it wasn’t one of its best but not one of the worst either. The game sold world wide up to 2.34 million even though Ensemble Studios and Microsoft only expected to sale 1million. The game isn’t all bad and since they got over the expectation and fans wanted a sequel, there have been rumors about the game having a second installment to the series which we will have to wait and see.

Now when the game first released its trailer for the game well…everyone got over excited about it and so did I. People started to release rumors about it suppose to be a movie and to be honest I can see why. I believed it and so did the whole world after that.

The use of CGI for this video was amazing to the point people thought it was suppose to be a movie. It was something plenty of people hoped for. It looked amazing and still does till now. Then the dreams being crushed began when this video was released.

Now what made the game so good to sell over their goal? Well Halo in general weather its a spin off, pre-quels or sequels it always has a great story. This is part of the actual story. It had some beautiful graphics as well as decent gameplay as well. The designs of the background to your small army is amazing and well detailed. The cutscene were the most outstanding thing of the game because of how it doesn’t look like its part of the game. It stood out on its own with actual characters that talk and show emotions. Along with being able to play with a friend or online from 1v1-3v3. It also brought along old classic things that people have seen in the other installments and some new stuff that plenty would now love to have in the future release in the series. Over all the game actually is good just some people never gave it a chance since it was created by Bungie and it wasn’t a FPS(First Person Shooter).

If your one of those people click on the link> Gamestop and think about it before you judge it. Or if you want to learn more about the game> Wiki or message me at and we can chat about games you might want to learn a bit more about.


Dead Space (Part 3)

DS3Now what can I say about the Dead Space series? I love all three of them. Dead Space sold 3.24 million units, Dead Space 2 sold 2.74 million units and part 3 sold 1.64 million units. This is not including its other failures like Dead Space Extraction and Ignition for the Wii because those were bad ideas from the start. Even though 1.64 mill sounds like a lot its not enough to make up to what it’s first game. Personally though I think the game could of sold a lot more if people just gave it a chance for plenty of reasons and heres why.

Dead Space is a survival horror game since the first one. Once part 2 came in, they gave the main character Issac Clarke more characteristics than just looks. When the third installment was out fans didn’t like it because of enviorment. Now I agree the game doesn’t have must of a horror feeling anymore and I feel as the story is forced a bit on this one but it also has somethings that makes up for its mistakes. So what makes this game good? Well as much as its forced the story is still amazing with an amazing design of your surroundings. The use of weapons are now completely different to where you upgrade it different ways and combining two into one. New enemies to give the game a different feeling as you progress and like always the graphics are beautiful for its time.

Theres still more to make up though. The game is the first of its series to add co-op and it’s a new idea that was actually a success. The game is slowpaced like the rest of them and different new and some classic suits from the first one that everyone loves. Lastly it has great replay value with its side mission for you to do in solo and others that you need co-op for which i think should of been optional. Dead Space 3 builds it’s reputation and did a great job. Others give it good ratings but question is why did it sell less than it’s beginners? If you want to find out more and see others opinions and ratings. click on these links> Metacritic Gamespot GameRadar Wikipedia and if somehow you become interested > Gamestop. So let me know what you think and remember you can help me come up with topics and ideas for me to post.


10 Years of the Waiting Game (part 2)

DukeyNow lets start off with a man of glory, who loved to show off and talk trash, a hero of man kind and to top it off he has a throne, Women love him and his name is Duke Nukem. Now fans waited 10 years for the new one to be released and we got Duke Nukem Forever and it was released in June 2011. Now I wasn’t the biggest fan but I have played some of his old games and they were pretty fun. His most memorable games were Duke Nukem 1, 2, and 3D. He had other spin offs but not many remember those. Now from my personal expeirence the game isn’t what I thought it would be but I actually enjoyed it. It felt like one of those games you regret you brought but you can always turn back to and play it again soon.

Now a lot of people probably think differently and I wouldn’t blame them. Suprisingly the game sold 376,300 units. Take-Two stated “That Duke Nukem forever only sold half of their expectations. Now famous sites such as IGN, Gamespot and even gamestop has given the game a rating of a bit over 5.5/10. Now the game has the usual old presentation of duke but thats something that needed to change as even his games begin to change. It has some decent moments but not enough to show to make the game better. Weapons aren’t bad but could of been better like his classic days but lastly the story isn’t any better. The story is like his classic days, go out save the world from aliens and be a hero once again. To be hoenst doesnt feel like theres one after you beat it your first time.

Now even though the ratings are above a 5 it means it isn’t all that bad. Granted that the graphics are not all that great either but what did make this game some what worth just getting? Well fans waited way to long and didn’t want to miss a chance that they won’t ever have again…maybe. Story is awful, and his character gets old fast along with the music. Enemies are not all that special either but what made it good was the small good moments in the campaign, the multiplayer was actually good and its made for the fans to enjoy. Maybe it’s that the developers were trying to hard but they were doing it for the fans. What do you think? If you want to give you own thoughts let me know what you think. Want to read a bit more? click on the link > Duke Nukem Forever.


First Topic (part 1)

So for my first post I will be talking about games that had such “BIG expectations” but instead became let downs. I know there are many out there that have those moments but there are a few famous franchises out there that let many of their fans down but seemed like a few enjoy their worst creations. They didn’t sale in such high numbers like their past creations or their future releases but some still got fame by hardcore fans or people who just enjoyed having copies of those games.halo_wars_game_2-wide DN2 DS3

New Guy

Hi there, I’m new to the world of blogging and I’m here to introduce new people to the world of gaming or just talk about games with other gamers. Since I’m new to this maybe you won’t see the best posts but I will try to come up with something that will get everyones or maybe most of everybodys attention. I’m just here to bring information and opinions to the world and then let others do the same to my posts. Our minds will be based on what makes a game good? Would it be graphics, design, story, characters, or something else. Its all up to you to choose and share your thoughts. So take it easy on the newbie.

633791106800664340-newbieP.s. Share your ideas to help me create more posts.