Monthly Archives: June 2014

Judgement Day

Gears of War Judgement has been a game in a famous franchise that people believe to be the worst of the series yet. The game it self has some different mechanics compared to all the other Gears but I believe it has more to offer then what other think. The game offers a whole new story with new weapons and new characters to work with as well. It gives you a glimpse of the gears classic characters Baird Damon and Augustus Cole past before the first gears. There’s a lot of reasons why this game is actually no where near a bad game. Fans just seem to not like the change they did for their favorite game.

First off the game has some amazing visuals. Going through all the gears and then playing this one should show how far they have gone to make it look better. The first 3 having a grimy look to it, this one has both a colorful but griming design to it to make the story still feel the same when it comes to war and death. The mechanics have been changed a bit but, it’s nothing anyone can’t handle. Went from hold 3 weapons with a grenade to holding 2 weapons and a grenade. It just makes the game more tactical instead of going out and shooting anything that moves. Along with characters and an amazing story to tell they really boosted up the game.

The game is fairly short but it also comes with a side campaign that takes place during Gears of War 3 and explains Baird other side of the story during a moment in gears 3. It has a mix of Gears 3 and judgement feel to it but shows how much difference are in between the games. The environments will always be close quarters but tend to change from time to time and the spawn mechanics for the A.I.s always change after death. The use of these new things called classify in the middle of campaign game play to make things more interesting as well makes it all worth it.

The game is still gears of war but with small twists here and there but other then that the game is one of the greatest gears of war games. I would highly recommend gears fans to try it out if anyone has doubted it. It is still pretty pricey for a 2013 game but honestly it will be worth it.

Click here if you want to learn a bit more about gears of war judgement and here if you want to check out game stops price.