10 Years of the Waiting Game (part 2)

DukeyNow lets start off with a man of glory, who loved to show off and talk trash, a hero of man kind and to top it off he has a throne, Women love him and his name is Duke Nukem. Now fans waited 10 years for the new one to be released and we got Duke Nukem Forever and it was released in June 2011. Now I wasn’t the biggest fan but I have played some of his old games and they were pretty fun. His most memorable games were Duke Nukem 1, 2, and 3D. He had other spin offs but not many remember those. Now from my personal expeirence the game isn’t what I thought it would be but I actually enjoyed it. It felt like one of those games you regret you brought but you can always turn back to and play it again soon.

Now a lot of people probably think differently and I wouldn’t blame them. Suprisingly the game sold 376,300 units. Take-Two stated “That Duke Nukem forever only sold half of their expectations. Now famous sites such as IGN, Gamespot and even gamestop has given the game a rating of a bit over 5.5/10. Now the game has the usual old presentation of duke but thats something that needed to change as even his games begin to change. It has some decent moments but not enough to show to make the game better. Weapons aren’t bad but could of been better like his classic days but lastly the story isn’t any better. The story is like his classic days, go out save the world from aliens and be a hero once again. To be hoenst doesnt feel like theres one after you beat it your first time.

Now even though the ratings are above a 5 it means it isn’t all that bad. Granted that the graphics are not all that great either but what did make this game some what worth just getting? Well fans waited way to long and didn’t want to miss a chance that they won’t ever have again…maybe. Story is awful, and his character gets old fast along with the music. Enemies are not all that special either but what made it good was the small good moments in the campaign, the multiplayer was actually good and its made for the fans to enjoy. Maybe it’s that the developers were trying to hard but they were doing it for the fans. What do you think? If you want to give you own thoughts let me know what you think. Want to read a bit more? click on the link > Duke Nukem Forever.


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