Is This Truly A Tolerable Outcome? Love Trumps Hate!

In today’s society of America, there has recently been a lot of hate for select groups in the country. There was already some existence in the media and hidden in the streets but it has become a lot more common recently. Why? Well the elect president Donald Trump has used a ‘divide and conquer’ technique during his entire campaign. What I mean by the ‘divide and conquer’ technique, is that he appealed to the majority of the country that were apparently the older-white-uneducated-middle class-or wealthy citizens of the country. Trump used the stereotyping of the minorities of the country to showcase them as the problem that needed solving. He did this because he could not offer anything, Trump used the hate of the past that still had presence and used it to appear as if he was qualified for the powerful position. I saw the effected that caused when I saw the fear and sadness of those I loved around me who were either homosexual, immigrant (legal and non) and women. On the night of the election hearts broke and fires of angry souls were lite. Trump in reality did not know the consequences that would lay ahead, the division that would reach outside of his control. Although this did allowed him to separate the country into weak groups instead of a strong country. The hate has crumpled the once strong foundation built with equality, justice and love. But how could he know as a privileged white wealthy man? In the article Peculiar Benefits by Roxane Gay, she states “You need to understand the extent of your privilege , the consequences of your privilege, and remain aware that people who are different from you move through and experience the world in ways you might never know anything about”. This ignorance that he was granted with his lifestyle allowed him to speak so lightly the harsh inflictions he made on not just minorities of race other than white but to those with disabilities and women. In conclusion, I wish America good luck for the next 4 years.

4 thoughts on “Is This Truly A Tolerable Outcome? Love Trumps Hate!

  1. Great blog and due to Donald Trump becoming president all of the closet racist have come out to play. They story we heard in class about someone from our own college was attack because of her background really hurt me. The next four years will be tough but we will prevail as long as we have hope. His ignorance and those who support him will be his downfall.

  2. I agree with everything you said, trump has only brought out the worst In people since he announced he would be running. Hopefully we can get through these four years in peace.

  3. Donald Trump is the representation of ignorance, divisiveness, intolerance and a host of other base characteristics that we all possess. The problem is when these characteristics are in prominence and as in his case in leadership. He was not the start of this but is merely an extension of this. At first I was upset, but this is a necessary reminder and spotlight on issues that we tend to become tone-deaf to after awhile. At this stage in our development this is inevitable. Or focus must now be in reinforcing what positive strides we have made as well as combating what will obviously be an assault on the progress we have made. Let Trump and his supporters illuminate the darkness within us and this nation so that we have a clearer view of who and what we must battle. Take hope in that we have battled them back before and will be able to do it again.

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