
Hello everyone,

My name is Nabeela Ahmad, I also go by Nabii. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My family is originated from Pakistan and migrated to the United States in 1985. I was raised with five men in my house (my uncles) and I was the first girl after a very long time. So growing up I always dressed and acted like a boy. Slowly that changed because of the environment and because my sister was born. I am a full time employee as an analyst at a Bankruptcy firm and a part time student. I stopped attending college because I was never a school person but as I grew older, I realized the importance of education and that made me start college again. My preferred pronouns are “she/her.” I had two electives left to fulfill in order to accomplish my associate degree in liberal arts and sciences. I am always interested in English/literature, therefore; I choose Women studies as one of the electives. So far I am liking the class but the presentation part scares me a bit. I haven’t gotten to know anyone yet but everyone seems nice in their own way. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Besides work and college, I have a hobby of doing henna tattoos and try different makeup looks on myself and my friends. For those of you who don’t know what henna is, it’s a green paste that we put on leave to dry and washes off to an orange to red-ish color. I also love baking, I started baking when I was 17 and still enjoy it.

That’s all for now.

Thank you,


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6 thoughts on “Nabeela

  1. Hi Nabeela. I love tattoos but not the idea of permanence. Maybe we all might have to demonstrate a talent we have for class and I can finally get a really cool tattoo, even if not permanent. Please do not be shy. We need class participation as it helps us connect and make the class more interesting as its add to the debate and discussion

  2. Hi Nabeela,
    I love henna, I haven’t tried it as yet but I will someday. I’m also nervous about the presentation. Don’t worry though, you got this!

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