Generalized Outline


Garcia Waldron English 2160
Professor Westengard 9/29/2016
Proposed Outline of Argument for Essay #1

Main Thesis statement
I. Brief historical context of the era in which the The Bell Jar was written
a. Detail prevailing social issues current to the time of the novel
b. Detail impact and influence of the social issues
II. Definition of specialized terms and statements made in thesis statement
a. Analysis of quotes, arguments and terms from other sources related to the thesis statement.
b. Analysis of quotes , argument from The Bell Jar that support my thesis assertion
III. Provide examples and analysis of characters and situations that illustrate thesis argument.
a. Proof of thesis statements through analysis of characters from The Bell Jar.
b. Proof of thesis statement through analysis and interpretation of events in The Bell Jar.
c. Proof of relevance and relation of outside materials to the analysis and interpretation of characters and events in The Bell Jar.

IV. Exploration of counter arguments to thesis statements.
a. Alternative interpretations of character’s actions
b. Alternative interpretations of characters motivation and state of mind.
c. Alternative use of secondary sources to support counter arguments

V. Brief analysis of present day society.
a. Mention what if any significant changes are noticeable between 1950’s and present day values.
b. Mention on how the characters of The Bell Jar might fair in present day society
c. Mention who is best adapted to transition into present day society
d. Mention who least suited and would have the most difficult time living in present day USA

VI. Summary and Conclusion of analysis and interpretation of thesis statement.
VII. MLA quotation of source material

One thought on “Generalized Outline

  1. Hi Garcia, this really is a “generalized outline” rather than a specific one. Unfortunately, because you don’t include enough of the specifics from your essay (for example you write the words “main thesis statement” instead of actually writing down your thesis statement), I don’t have enough information to understand what you plan to write. The remainder of the outline mostly describes what an outline should include, but it is not actually an outline of your essay. If you would like feedback on the essay you are writing, you will need to provide an outline of the content.

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