Mario hall

The character I chose to write about was Jay Cee. Jay Cee was the boss of Esther and the other girls down at ladies day. Esther described her as being “ugly as sin”. Jay Cee was clearly not as fashionable as the other girls. This didn’t really matter since Jay Cee was very smart. Jay Cee seems to be very caring and has her own way of doing things. An example is when she called Esther into her office and was questioning her about future plans. It’s obvious that she only wants the best for Esther and wants to see her accel. Though she may come off as unkind in her attempts to show this. Being someone who was smart it’s clear to see that Jay Cee valued intelligence in others. She did know many famous poets. Esther said that she really likes Jay Cee. She thinks that Jay Cee only wants to teach her a thing or two. In my eyes Jay Cee seems to be the perfect role model for a girl. She has the intelligence and seems to be very successful at what she does. It was her knowledge that got her this far in life. I think that all the girls should strive to be like Jay Cee, though they should definitely add their own flair to it. The path that Jay Cee took may not be for everyone, but you can not argue with her results. I believe that it is women like Jay Cee that do very well in the world we live in today.

6 thoughts on “Mario hall

  1. Hey Mario, I totally agree that Jay Cee is a perfect role because she doesn’t make it all about her looks and more about success. Most girls should definitely strive to be themselves and not what society wants them to be.

  2. I agree, that Jay Cee is what I value is a strong role model for women. Because she is more focused on a woman building up her brain for a strong foundation, not the distractions of what society feels what the perfect woman is, their outlook is for her to only focus her looks.

  3. I think Jay Cee was ahead of her time being a boss and a woman in that time. Instead of the girls commenting on her looks calling her “ugly as sin” or her fashion sense they should have aspired to be more like her. She is what young woman should look up to as a role model and strive to be like her.

  4. I agree with your views on Jay Cee, for a woman to be as successful and business oriented in the 50’s was very rare. Women did not have much rights in the 50’s and here is Jay Cee, not the prettiest of females, but she was not concerned about her looks because she saw past to what was really important, she was not another brainwashed female that only cared about if she was beautiful or not. She was a successful business woman.

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