
Download: Syllabus Eng 92-D288 F 14 Westengard

English 92W-D288—Developmental Writing II (Fall 2014)

Monday/Wednesday 1:00-2:15 pm, Voorhees 325

Professor Laura Westengard


Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 am, Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 pm, and by appointment

Office/Mailbox Location: Namm 503

Phone Number: (718) 260-5761

Course Description

This is a course in writing skills focusing on composing the essay, including revision and proofreading, designed to prepare students for credit-level writing courses. The course emphasizes instruction in advanced and varied sentence patterns, appropriate punctuation and grammar, and the use of the dictionary to investigate word formation and further develop vocabulary. Short readings will be studied as models to illustrate methods of development and organization.

In addition to learning these skills, your job in this course is to demonstrate that you are dedicated college students, ready to perform successfully during the rest of your time at City Tech. In order to do this, I expect that you fulfill all course requirements, attend regularly, exhibit dedication to your own education, and make a clear effort to communicate with me if you are struggling with any element of the course.

At the end of the semester, you will demonstrate the above competencies by achieving a passing score on the CATW. You must pass the CATW in order to pass the class.

Required Texts and Materials

Ostrom, Rob and Caroline Hellman. CATskills: Mastering the CUNY CATW and College Writing, 2nd edition. Dubuque:

Kendall Hunt, 2014.

A dictionary

A folder dedicated to this class

A notebook with lined paper

Note: You should bring all of these materials to each class meeting.


CATW: 100% (grade of ‘S’ for Satisfactory on transcript)

In order to take the CATW at the end of the semester, you must attend class regularly (see attendance policy), you must complete all assignments, and you must demonstrate that you are a serious college student with the full range of skills necessary for success at City Tech.

Departmental Practice Exam

You are required to attend one departmental practice exam during the semester. They are offered on:

Thursday, November 20  12:50-2:25pm

Thursday, December 4  12:50-2:25pm

Open Lab

This course will use Open Lab. You will be asked to post assignments and contribute to other course related activities on the English 92W Open Lab site. You must sign up for an Open Lab account, participate in activities, and check the site daily because important instructions for completing assignments, as well as class announcements, will appear there.

Assignments and Work Policies

All out-of-class essays must be typed, doubled-space, in 12 point, Times New Roman font with one inch margins. In the upper left hand corner of your 1st page you must include your name, the class title, the date, and the professor’s name (Laura Westengard).

All homework should be completed by class time on the date listed in the course schedule. Periodically, you will have to submit a packet of all homework and in-class work, so KEEP EVERYTHING in your class folder and make sure each item is clearly labeled. Packet due dates are listed in the course schedule.

Participation and Attendance

I expect you to arrive prepared, to ask and answer questions, and to participate in a positive classroom environment (including turning all electronic devices to silent and treating your fellow students and myself with a positive and respectful attitude).

When you miss class it is your responsibility to keep up with the reading/homework. If you have a personal emergency or other circumstances that prohibit you from finishing your assignment on time or turning in an essay as scheduled, email or see me as soon as possible so we can discuss your situation.

A student may be absent without penalty for 10% of the number of scheduled class meetings during the semester. Because this class meets 2 times a week, you may miss 3 classes without penalty. Any arrival later than 20 minutes past the scheduled start time = 1 absence. If you have more than three unexcused absences, you will not be able to take the CATW exam at the end of the semester.

Learning Center Tutoring

Tutoring for all English 092W students is available throughout the semester in the Learning Center, located in AG27. You will be required to attend tutoring a minimum of 10 times during the semester.

Developmental Writing Tutoring Hours:

Tuesdays and Fridays 3pm-6pm

Wednesdays and Thursdays 12pm-3pm

New York City College of Technology Policy on Academic Integrity

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog.

Tentative Course Schedule

(The schedule may change based on the needs of the class.)

Week 1:          Introduction, Review Syllabus,

Homework Due

Wednesday, 9/3:            Show up!

Week 2:          Understanding the CATW, Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 9/8:                  CATW #1 (in class)

Bring your folder, notebook, dictionary, and a pen to class.

Wednesday, 9/10:            Read/complete CATskills, pages 1-7

Create Open Lab Account, join course site

Week 3:          Reading Comprehension, Parts of Speech

Homework Due

Monday, 9/15:                Read/complete CATskills, pages 9-12

Post improvement plan on “blog” section of Open Lab site

Wednesday, 9/17:            Conferences (Bring CATW #1)

Week 4:          The Outline, Sentence Parts

Homework Due

Monday, 9/22:                Read/complete CATskills, pages 13-15

Packet #1 Due

Wednesday, 9/24:            NO CLASS

Week 5:          The Summary and Introduction, Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 9/29:                CATW #2 (in class)

Print and read Article 2 (posted on Open Lab), bring to class

Use the reading strategies from page 10 of CATskills

Wednesday, 10/1:            Read/complete CATskills pages 17-23

Week 6:          Introductions and Body Paragraph Planning, Sentence Parts

Homework Due

Monday, 10/6:                Read/complete CATskills pages 23-28

Wednesday, 10/8:            Read/complete CATskills pages 29-32

Week 7:          Body Paragraph Development, Agreement

Homework Due

Monday, 10/13:              NO CLASS

Wednesday, 10/15:          Read/complete CATskills pages 33-38

Print and read Article 3 (posted on Open Lab), bring to class

Use the reading strategies from page 10 of CATskills

Week 8:          Quoting and Paraphrasing, Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 10/20:              CATW #3 (in class)

                                    Packet #2 Due

Wednesday, 10/22:          Read/complete CATskills pages 39-45

Week 9:          Transitional Words and Phrases, Revision

Homework Due

Monday, 10/27:              Read/complete CATskills pages 47-50

Wednesday, 10/29:          Add quotations, paraphrases, and transitions to CATW #3



Week 10:        The Conclusion, Fragments and Run-ons

Homework Due

Monday, 11/3:                Read/complete CATskills pages 51-56

Wednesday, 11/5:            Read “Fragments and Run-ons” handout, complete exercises (posted on Open Lab)

Week 11:        The Final Product, Sentence Patterns, Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 11/10:              Read/complete CATskills pages 57-60

Wednesday, 11/12:          CATW #4 (in class)

Week 12:        The Test Day, Commas


Thursday, November 20th, 12:50-2:25pm


Homework Due

Monday, 11/17:              Read/complete CATskills pages 77-78

Wednesday, 11/19:          CATW #4 Revision (in class)

Week 13:        Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 11/24:              CATW #4 Revision Due

Wednesday, 11/26:          CATW #5 (in class)

Packet #3 Due

Week 14:        Conferences


Thursday, December 4th, 12:50-2:25pm


Homework Due

Monday, 12/1:                Conferences

Wednesday, 12/3:            Conferences

Week 15:        Final Test Preparation, Practice CATW

Homework Due

Monday, 12/8:                CATW #6 (in class)

Wednesday, 12/10:          Review

Week 16:        Final Test Preparation

Monday, 12/15:              Review

Wednesday, 12/17:          Review

Finals Week

Monday, 12/22:              Conclusion

Date of final CATW exam to be announced