Week 5

ok that was weird ! my internet went out right as I was trying to say goodbye! so goodbye- don’t forget to come to office hours on zoom at 4pm Friday if you need help! The video for today’s class is READY! here it is. (Passcode: w#PP3TYF) Your homework for this week is to make an ‘aside’ in your resume and make it go on the right side of the page or the left side of the page using css.

link to week 5 presentation

WEEK 1 – Intro

Here’s our page for week 1

SLIDE PRESENTATION FOR Week 1 – Course Intro – COMD 2451 Web Design I-jay

IN The comments please tell us:

  • your name
  • the three websites you use most often
  • a favorite example of excellent design on the web


Due: Wed. February 9 Please post your domain name and a link to the web space you set up at your hosting service as a comment on this post.  You do not need to have any content on your website yet. The page can be the standard placeholder or “under construction” page or a simple page based on ‘something.com’.