March 5

Visit to Materials for the Arts. Collected fabrics for screen and materials for puppet making.

March 6

Initial meeting with group. Goals reviewed and ideas shared. 

March 13

March 20

Tested sheets of fabric to see which one was more conducive to the shadow of the puppetry.

March 27

Took pictures of authentic puppets for experimentation and use as resource.  These are stored in the Google Drive here:

April 2

 DBS Experiment with 3D Printing of shadow puppet image as a test

  • Import photo to photoshop
  • Remove Background
  • Go through and delete spaces where some of the holes are
  • Use exposure to turn shape black.
  • Place a white background,.
  • Export as png
  • Import png into Illustrator
  • Use “Image Trace” (Open this under “windows”
    • use “Trace”
    • View as “Tracing result”
  • Scale png to desired size (turn on ruler and set to inches)
  • save as .ai (Abobe Illustrator)

April 3

Tested background scenery from a projector with the shadow puppet .

April 9

We went over drawing moderations and script cue scene ideas.

April 10

Read-through script alterations & drawing designs for the story’s environment. We tested rear & front projections while applying the digital background for the shadow puppets.

April 17

Table-read of script using the shadow puppets.

April 24

Testing background screens on metal frame set up , Checking screen proportion size.

April 25

Another Script read, voice projection practice & expression.

April 29

Printing puppets & recording audio for show with students as characters.

April 30

Cutting holes out of puppets to get accurate designs of wayang & rehearsals with students for show.

Performance, May 10. Photo by Gary Berger