The VR & AI Club aims to explore the world of virtual reality and artificial intelligence by playing, learning, and making. There are several long-term projects on the 2018-2019 agenda, to be worked on indefinitely at members’ discretion.


  • Virtual Robotic Limb (VRL) – [Active] A robotic limb used by patients in virtual rehab after a stroke.
  • Social Robot – [Inactive] An autonomous, physically-embodied robot that interacts and communicates with humans, and follows social behaviors and rules.
  • VR Game/App Development – [Active] Exploring Google VR with various headset viewers and learning developing on the Daydream platform.


Additionally, the VR & AI Club would like to provide an opportunity for students to play with our VR headsets.


  • VR Headsets – [Inactive] Explore VR through Garry’s Mod.
  • 3d Printed Headsets – [Inactive] The Club will 3d print a variety of headsets to be used with phones to compare and contrast on design.
  • VR Viewer Headsets – [Active] Play games and apps using your own phone with our paper headsets


*Some activities are inactive until all resources are available (either waiting for funding, approval, or for orders to arrive)