Electronic Profile

I am going to leave my reflection here since there isn’t a tab in the categories for the Electronic Profile yet Professor. I intend on continuing my studies in the medical field. The rad tech program is a stepping stone for me, but exactly where my path will end I am still unsure. I do know however that I will diligently strive to be the best I can be. This is a journey I take seriously and I hope I can achieve the same level of success I did in my previous career endeavors. I feel the confidence I am starting to posses as an emerging technologist will deflate any residual fears and allow me to pull from my past experiences in management and construction to see things outside of the box. I believe having worked in these industries where my organization, leadership, patience and effective communication skills were called upon daily have  helped hone these personal strengths into something I can utilize in my career as a tech or just in everyday life.  There is a niche out there and I will be ready to fill it when my time comes.

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One Response to Electronic Profile

  1. zvinokur says:

    This is a great post. Thank you. I like the comment about emerging technology, specially that I will be attending the conference tomorrow . I will bring back the update and post some interesting details.

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