Electronic Profile

Electronic Profile

Reflect on who you are as a student, industry professional and future Hospital leader/ Administrator . Then write a profile. Think about your:

  • Academic experience and academic goals
  • Career experience and career goals
  • Personal strengths
  • Personal interested that enhance your professional attributes

Role and Audience: Everyone and anyone

Post to RAD2325 OpenLab site

  • Go to posts
  • Enter text into text box
  • Go to “categories” section and choose “Electronic Profile”
  • Click “publish”

Students will exhibit their ability to be concise when expressing themselves as an academic and a professional.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to:

  • Identify and articulate their personal profile for a public forum
  • Utilize various features on OpenLab

5% of Total Grade of the project

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7 Responses to Electronic Profile

  1. TimWells says:

    Professor, I thought I had it all figured out, as far as the reflections go, from my best understanding, the reflections would be about the group project and how we were progressing within it, individually as part of the group. I understand that the article you sent concerning LinkedIn was important info that each of us should consider as we become professionals within the radiological science field…I actually have a profile on LinkedIn with my other profession, but I thought it was simply a suggestion, I didn’t realize it was required reading and then, a requirement for all students to sign on and create another profile on LinkedIn, which in essence is what it sounds like this new assignment is. I have also had a very hard time studying for the upcoming quiz as there seems to be some inconsistencies within your the power points and what I have found in Merrill’s. I will talk with you on Tuesday, but with all the confusion I’m just a tad bit worried. All my best, Tim

  2. Alessandra says:

    Honestly, I’m beyond confused and in regards to Tim’s comment about the exam, I agree with him.

  3. Hello Professor,

    I am very confused as well, and I am unsure of what it is we are supposed to be doing in regards to the project.

  4. Yes, I sent you a request to Group 4’s discussion board and on there I have our topic and roles.

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