

ENT 2290 -Video Studio Operations

Wednsedays, 2:00PM – 5:20PM

Room: Namm Hall A-G38-B

Instructor: Jesse Ricke, email :

office hrs: Wednesdays 11am to 12am, room: V-205 (186 Jay St)




This course in an introduction and overview of the basic techniques and components used in commercial video production. Students will work in teams and individually to explore principles of production. Introduction to equipment, process, and terminology will be reinforced by readings, lectures, and hands-on exposure. The pre-production process, shooting schedules, camera, lighting, and audio operation, and live production techniques will be explored. Differences between studio and location shooting will be covered. This course is intended as the first of a series of courses designed to provide greater competency in both technical and artistic aspects of this important industry.

While the course is project based, there will be assigned materials for study nearly every week, with the bulk of assignments in the beginning of the semester. Prior reading materials will be discusses at the beginning of each session. The course will focus more on in-class group projects as the semester progresses.



Group Project 1 – 10%

Group Project 2 – 10%

Group Project 3 – 30%

Midterm Exam – 10%

Final Exam – 20%

Homework/Quizzes – 10%

In-Class Exercises & Discussion/Attitude– 10%


In-Class Exercises & Discussion

  • Discussion in class will be graded. Frequent, meaningful, and interpersonally sensitive participation paired with attentive listening will result in an A (100 pointe). Infrequent or no voluntary participation but attentive listening will result in a B (85 points). Much of the class will require one on one work with students, but that does not permit inattentiveness. Listen to one another’s learning.
  • There will be numerous opportunities to engage in interaction. Please be courteous and respectful at all times. You may disagree with someone, but please do so politely.



  • a hard drive to transport media for group projects
  • Video Production Handbook, 5th Edition, Jim Owens (while this book is not required reading it will be referred to throughout the semester)


Dos” and β€œDon’ts”

  • DO wash hands (especially after eating!) before you touch any video equipment. Our equipment must stay clean.
  • DO not bring any food or drinks into the studio/classroom.
  • DO communicate with each other when handing any gear to each other. Ask, β€œYou got it?” and wait for the answer before letting it go.
  • DO NOT put a camera or other important gear on a dirty floor or on a table that is not horizontal to the floor (e.g., DO NOT put gear on a school folding chair desk).
  • DO NOT put any gear at the edge of a table (nothing should drop to the floor).
  • DO NOT ever force yourself when handling gear: Handle all equipment as gently as possible.
  • DO NOT be overconfident. Students who think they are experienced may break equipment more than others.
  • DO learn how to handle tripods before mounting cameras onto them.
  • DO put the release plate back on its tripod always. Do not leave it attached to any camera.
  • DO NOT wipe the camera lens unless it is absolutely necessary: We will instruct you how to clean it properly. Cleaning lenses is different from cleaning windows or eyeglasses.
  • DO check all equipment before going to locations. Ultimately, you save time by doing so.
  • DO NOT leave any batteries attached to cameras and microphones.
  • DO NOT pack portable lights if they are still hot.
  • DO NOT leave any trash in the studio/classroom.


SCHEDULE (subject to change)

01: 8/30 camera + crew overview

  • Class introductions
  • Overview of the course
  • Lab – Camera Basics, Tripods
  • Lecture – ch2 + ch4 + ch6, Crew Overview, Personnel
  • Post a bio, picture, and name (your real one or a made up identity) as a blog entry on Open Lab.
  • Study assigned materials:Β

02: 9/6 document overview

03: 9/13 filmic composition

04: 9/27 Project 1

05: 10/4 audio

06: 10/11 lighting

07: 10/18 Midterm & Project 2

08: 10/25 Project 2

09: 11/1 production systems

10: 11/8 graphics + digital composition

11: 11/15 lab day

  • Lab – Streaming, Tricaster & ATEM Lab

12: 11/22 Project 3 demo & Production Meeting

13 and 14: 11/29, 11/6 Project 3

15: 11/13 Final Exam & Project 3 Viewing


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