Lirazen Felipe

Hey everybody!

I am Lirazen Felipe. I am a musician/singer-songwriter, I perform solo OR with my band at restaurants, events, etc. occasionally. I also teach voice and music (specifically musical instruments).

I graduated with an Associate Degree in Applied Science major in Music Production from Queensborough Community College in June 2015. I’ve done music production such as live and studio audio engineering within QCC and outside the school for the most part and a little bit of video production and editing. However, I transferred to City Tech to have a Bachelor’s degree and to enhance my video production/editing knowledge and skills because I want to work mainly in the Film industry.

Thank you guys. Looking forward to working with all of you this semester.

If you’re interested to watch my performances, here are some of the links:



On the other hand, these are some of the videos I’ve worked on before:





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