Homeworks, homeworks and homeworks

Lab # 5

EXPLANATION: In this lab will explain how to save characters into a function and after that invoke in the interpreter mode.

1.- Open python IDLE.

2.- Insert the next code as you can see there are definitions and functions in this case is laser beam.


3.- Running the program.


4.-The fist grid of each line (type the next code)

5.- Running the program.

6.-print in row

7.- Run the program

8.-The whole program.

9.- the code


def print_beam():
“””This function prints a beam”””
print (“+ – – – -“),

def print_post():
“””This function prints a post”””
print(“| “),

def print_beams():
“””This function printthe beams of a grid”””
print (“+ – – – -“, “+ – – – -“, “+”)

def print_posts():
“””This function print the posts of a line”””
print (“| “, “| “, “|”)

def print_row():
“””This function print in a row of a grid”””
print (“+ – – – -“, “+ – – – -“, “+”)
print (“| “, “| “, “|”)
print (“| “, “| “, “|”)
print (“| “, “| “, “|”)
print (“| “, “| “, “|”)

def print_grid():