Homeworks, homeworks and homeworks

Lab # 7

In this lab will be apply the basics commands of app inventor such as how to place buttons, how to upload media sucha as sounds, and how to emulate.



1.- Go to the page http://beta.appinventor.mit.edu/ and enter to you google account if you don´t have, create one.


2.- Drag and place six different buttons and six different sounds, you can find the saound in the media label

3.- Put in each button a different image of a bird or an animal, you can do that modifying the propierty of each button.

4.- After that open the block editor in order to put the pieces of each sound and image in their own place.

5.- In the same block editor open a new emulator, generally you have to wait a couple of minutes, and then go to the option connect to emulator (name of the emulator), wait another couple of minutes, and after that it will run the program.