Exploring Lower Manhattan





Lower Manhattan landmarks

We started our adventure at the Staten Island Ferry Station. The area is beautiful both because is by the water and have a lot of historic places. The street is not like in midtown, all nice in squares, here is different, more European style. This part of the city was firs settled by the Dutch. We walked by Ann Seton’s Shrine who was the first born saint in America which was very fascinating to know.

We walked to visit Francis Tavern, which had sign outside indicating that after the American Revolution in 1783, George Washington had a farewell to his officers on the second floor of this building. Because of its history, the building is a New York City Landmark as well as a National Historical Place. The National Museum of the American Indian is another great attraction in lower Manhattan, where we could see the sculptures outside. These statues show the different continents such as America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

When we reached Bowling Green Park and Fence, our professor pointed out that there was the statue of King George III, but was removed by the Patriots pm 1779 as states on the sign on the fence. Reaching the Wall Street area we saw the Charging bull statue where there were many tourists making a line for pictures, close to it, we also saw the new status of the Fearless girl

We walked by The New York Stock Exchange, which is New York’s financial district. Later we explored the Federal Hall National Memorial, as the museum it had a Greek influence.  This is the place where George Washington took oath as the First President of the United States. Later we visited the Trinity Church. We visited the cemetery where Alexander Hamilton’s funeral was held and where his grave is located.as well as Fulton’s grave.

We finished our adventure by exploring the World Trade Center, the Oculus and Brookfield. The place is beautiful in tits unique design and appearance. The area is very popular and crowded by locals and tourist.

The memorial was very sad and beautiful in the same time, the water and names almost represents for me unlimited tears, but also infinite memory and life. We finished the adventure at Brookfield, which has amazing views by the water, restaurant, bars and many people are enjoying the summer outside. It is a shopping center but I definitely will come back and enjoy amazing views and atmosphere.

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