Brooklyn Heights

Posted by on Jun 30, 2015 in Summer 2015 | No Comments

Over the past 4 years of my time at City Tech I have never even given a thought to Brooklyn Heights being a historcial site. I was suprised to know that their are bluffs in Brooklyn, I guess it makes sense cause Brooklyn Heights. Learning about the different street names was interesting as well. For […]

South Ferry

Posted by on Jun 30, 2015 in Summer 2015 | No Comments

I have never been on the South Ferry before, mainly because I have no desire to go to Statan Island. The ferry ride was pleasent. You had views of the Statue of Liberty on one side and a view of Govenors Island on the other. The ride was only about a half hour or less. […]

Grand Central Terminal

Posted by on Jun 30, 2015 in Summer 2015 | No Comments

More often then not I take for granted where I live. I have been inside Grand Central Terminal a countless number of times. However I never really stopped to really take it all in. This tour was actually quite interesting. Learning all about the history of the Vanderbilts and how they have their acorns and […]