The Brooklyn Historic District
Urban Tourism field trip The Brooklyn Historic District reflection: I thought this trip to Brooklyn Historic District, was indeed an eye opener for me; this has help me to becoming more appreciative about the historical values of ones’ community. While on this walking tour, I learned about the different landmarks and their true meanings, such as the Plymouth church of the Pilgrims, it is located on Orange St. between Henry and Hick street, this church was the home of Henry Ward Beecher, from 1813-1887. Other stops were the First Unitarian church, the St. Ann’s school, St. Gorge hotel, and the St. Ann and the Holy Trinity church. These stops make me have to question myself about the past, as well how much wonders history does holds! Although we normally see history and neglect it, when we find out its true meanings, then we will come to appreciating of it.
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