Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nice Story About The Lower Case A

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The road to clarity

This is a long, but really interesting article regarding the readability of signs, and the use of the typeface Clearview.

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Two Typefaces in one word.

While taking a F train subway line to way back home from college. I saw a bag that all texts, beside a “TRANSFORM” is written only using one typeface. I believe its Gill Sans typeface. The word “transform” is split … Continue reading

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Fun Fact

Fun Fact: In the Soviet Union, if you make a typo such as forgetting to capitalize the first letters of someone’s name (in this case the President’s), you and everyone you work with gets interrogated by the KGB. Courtesy of … Continue reading

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Play the Type Dating Game!

ridiculous and fun, AND there is a TON of great information to be had here!

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Typefaces like Mercury, Retina, and Bell Centennial were designed specifically for physical, printed products. Verdana, on the other hand, was designed specifically for the computer screen. Designer Matthew Carter created it for Microsoft in 1996 with the goal of legibility … Continue reading

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Watch this! Type anatomy video

learn your anatomy – watch this great little video to help you remember and become familiar with the proper names for each part of a letter.  Plus this lady has fantastic glasses (and is famous, btw; teaches at City College and … Continue reading

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Times New Roman

WATCH AND LEARN!!  This is a film about font. Times New Roman was designed for The Times in 1931 and is one of the most recognized fonts in the world.  “Times New Roman was designed for readers, not designers”

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Word as Image

This is a very interesting blog about words using typography, it only use a very simple type style but the creator, Ji Lee added some interesting and small changes to the words so it also express their meaning visually. Here is … Continue reading

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DO NOW: Take this quiz!!!

It’s kind of goofy fun, but please take this quiz What does it say at the end? do you agree? you can even click the “not your font persona?” link and see what they say about other typefaces.

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