Self Reflect/Reflection (#7)

Self Reflect/Reflection


This is my final journal entry. I thoroughly enjoyed talking and sharing about my internship. I had learned a lot of lessons and tricks and the graphic design community. I finally got to be in the space I always dreamed to be in. Surrounded by other creatives and sharing. In this internship, I gained clients, friends, criticism, and more skills of design. I learned to appreciate and love design more since I get to express myself while getting paid and working on it. I get to try trends and designs I have seen with others. This opened another door of how the graphic design world would be. Sitting in conferences, talking to huge bosses, meeting with clients with a contract and deal, this was so real for me. It even helped with my creative block I have been having. I haven’t gotten the chance to draw or design on my own. I want to expand my portfolio and my communication skills to advance myself in my career.

Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels:

This class also educated me on supporting myself after college, assuring my career, and keeping my head clear and positive. I enjoyed this class thoroughly and will keep these tips and experiences in mind.