Posters (#2)



Today, I was assigned to make posters for Juneteenth and for my boss and our company. I get to let my creativity flow. They showed me their previous posts and wanted to keep some elements. Yet they were not so eligible or attractive. I was honest about it and told them if I was walking past and saw this poster, I wouldn’t even spare a second to read because the color mixtures and large and thin texts.


As you can see, there wasn’t a consistent theme and their logo makes pop ups instead of steadily staying in the design. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands and incorporated their bold text, trendy girly colors and script fonts into something better and consistent.


This was my take on how the posts should look and what the campaign. I then showed my supervisor (the one in the picture) how she felt about them and she was head over heels. She couldn’t stop hyping it and I was more than honored to have someone outside of friends and family to love my work. This was very motivating. She showed the other executive members and soon enough we were planning a total new look for BW4BG.