Nike Event (#4)

Nike Event

Today, my supervisor had luckily got us into a nike event as a surprise and gift for us for interning with her. It was an event where women of color shown us how to DJ and what it is like being a DJ. We also found out that many DJ artists were designers or 9 to 5 regular people with an active night life. Their passion and fire was within DJ’ing at night for others. We learned about tone, sound, amplifiers, effects, pitching and speeding. They lectured us for about an hour before we got to practice ourselves.


Photo by Francesco Paggiaro:


This was exciting but scary since the equipment was very expensive and large. Every button has such a unique effect that me and my partner took turns. Steadily we made a slow and fun beat with some pitches and funny effects. Eventually we stopped when we started getting confused with what we were doing. Our mentor stepped back in and we began to pack up since this was a late night event. We connected with instagrams and numbers to hang out. The event was nice and very supportive. The fun was well needed for us. We even got free sneakers just for coming. Each sneaker had our name on it and it was so cool. We couldn’t stop talking about it on the train. This was truly a fun day.