Design Chill Day (#5)

Design Chill Day

Today, I got to sit in my cube with just my iPad and laptop and Pinterest and instagram. My main inspiration and vigor for design comes from these two apps. I get to  pull and like the designs of others and take the challenge of making my own or even using it as motivation to expand my knowledge on photoshop, illustrator or indesign. My team and I were usually talking about new posters and simply making more advertising and it was a fun conversation. I got to show them my favorite instagrammers/designers. I even let them search and choose their own so I can explain why design is more than design but it is character. It shows what you are and what you like in anything. Bold, thin. big, small. large kerning or leading. It all mattered.

(1) Photo by Mikechie Esparagoza:

(2) Photo by Polina Zimmerman:


I learned and taught my colleagues about their design choices and how we can implement a little of all their personalities in future posters. It gives more heart and care when we start putting ourselves into our passion or liking.