Award Ceremony (#6)

Award Ceremony

Today I had gotten the chance to meet the CEO and Executives all at once at a huge New York City award event. It all started at exactly 9am, where my boss was running around like a wild mouse on a chase. She demanded food, flowers, dresses and so much more. I was terrified to even speak. It was such a mad man test. I was her minion for the day and did all errands with her. She even secretly cheated on me with another designer! I was so shocked and shaking my head because she absolutely loathed and hated the posters so much that I produced better ones within 2 minutes of my hands. She wasted so much money but was happy with the new design I made. It was now 11:00. After our mini design crash, we had to pick up the trophies. These weren’t the kids trophies you get when you step up. This was the Grammy award trophies. I was shocked and never seen awards like these in person. But, my boss was not satisfied. She wanted even bigger and extravagant. I don’t even want to talk about her budget but she wanted just more. This took 3 hours. Literally sitting waiting and arguing for bigger gold trophies. We started losing track and completely forgot that we had to secure our reservation at the place we rented. We rushed soooooo fast. Our makeup and outfits were barely done but we had to get this done.

Photo by Rachel Claire:


We eventually had other help and our team come to make extra preparations and soon enough we had a lovely night with an easy success. We started having small drinks and food and once again, lost track of time. This was just so much fun. I got to meet a lot of politicians as well. The faces of New York all dancing to electric slide. It was nice seeing and being reminded that we are all human and trying.