The Interview


Preparing for the interview can be nerve wrecking and stressful. However, I prepared for the interview so it can be less stressful. How prepared I was looking over my resume, practicing common interview questions, researching the company, being on time to the interview, asking questions, dressing appropriately for the interview by wearing neutral colors, putting on a smile, and saying thank you by the end of the interview.

My Experience


Joining the organization made me enhance my skills, how meeting deadlines is important, how effective communication  is important if your not sure about a task, I realized how meeting deadlines is important, and the smallest details are important when doing a project or anything I am doing because  to have quality work and to make sure I am not missing any important detail.  

The internship made me be on top of things, to always put a hundred percent to anything that I am doing, not to miss any small details, and  how it’s important to apply different skills.Learning more about the organization was inspiring and amazing. Learning what they did made the experience even better and was exciting to learn from the organization.



The internship I learned various things, which is that it’s important to communicate with the supervisor if you have questions or concerns. It’s my responsibility as an intern to make sure  that I am updated every week on what I am supposed to do and to  make sure I give everything on time. I learned that it’s important to pay attention to detail when designing things and that I make sure that I incorporate the brand colors when doing anything. Another thing I learned is that even the smallest details counts and that you should pay attention to details. 

Instagram Post


For the instagram post it was important to incorporate the brand colors and follow the brand typeface so it  should look consistent and it’s important for me to follow the guidelines that were provided to me . There was a specific color and font that I was supposed to use to support the brand. Which will look consistent, help bring awareness , make people want to stay on the page, and buy the product.



There are different types where you can communicate in-person, zoom, slack, email, and others.Communication is important for the internship because that way you are able to fulfill the task in a timely manner. Communicating with your supervisor when you are not sure about something or  have questions is essential to ask either through your weekly meetings or through email. That way you know what you’re supposed to do and you’re on the same page with your supervisor. I have to make sure I communicate with the supervisor what I am supposed to do daily and for the week. I have to make sure I am on top of things if not I am not able to fulfill my task for the week. Communicating is important because that way you update every week what I am supposed to do and make sure I give everything on time. Because every week I  have a deadline to give in the assignment and it is my responsibility to make sure I give the assignment on time.  Making sure I get feedback about my work and revise anything that is needed. 

Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is important for an internship which is critical for my internship because it helps to solve a problem in that  specific moment. When I am given a project the first question is what’s the purpose and cause of the project. Who are we trying to reach and how is that going to help it?  Does that way I try to solve the problem will help to reach my audience. If not I need to find an alternative way to solve the problem so I can reach my audience. The purpose of critical thinking is to find a  solution for the problem and  use  our knowledge to analyze the problem to find the solution. Especially as an intern I need to focus on who I am trying to reach and what I can do to showcase that. I need to think how my audience can benefit from what I created and I ask the question how will they benefit from it? That’s  what I do so I am able to find a solution so I can solve the problem.

The Brand Colors


When doing any projects for the organization it’s important to use their brand colors on anything I am doing. Making sure to use brand colors because it will help people to recognize and associate the organization brand easily.   By using the brand colors it will make the customers more aware and able to recognize the colors and associate with the brand. It will make the posters or anything that I am using more effective, appealing, you will be able to differentiate from other things, and it will make it more memorable. It shows a sense of professionalism because it shows that  I care about the brand and make people associate the colors with the brand.  The color of the brand brings attention, impactful, and awareness to the brand.

About The Organization


The organization supports nonprofits, creates educational programs, and has various programs  such as  youth activities, youth employment, and business development. They create educational programs to uplift  the community by connecting BIPOC Owned Businesses and connecting with nonprofits. The events that do it helps bring awareness to opportunities for businesses to reach the community in new ways to build lasting relationships.

Ethics In Design 2


2a. The most important thing for a designer is to be honest, not to mislead, deceive, and to ensure to avoid false advertising. It’s essential to be ethical as a graphic designer and to ensure that you’re promoting a trustworthy product or service and as designer it is our responsibility to ensure that is not misleading or false advertising. Following ethical guidelines is crucial because you’re putting your client first and putting their needs first by being honest and not misleading. When you’re designing you should be aware and cautious when making  design  decisions or any  decisions they can affect the client or even yourself so it’s necessary to always be extra cautious.  Research has shown that empathy makes people better managers , workers, family members and friends. We have to imagine what someone else is going through and be more empathetic to them. When using images it’s crucial and ethical to credit the original owner. You should be aware and cautious when using someone else’s images. When I am using an image I am aware that I should credit the owner and also for the internship I am aware to credit the image when using.

2b. The Fairey Copyright case was about  use of a copyright photograph in which Fairey made a “Hope” poster for the purpose  and the aim was to promote Barack Obama’s candidacy in 2008.  Fairey searched for photographs  as reference and did modifications to  Barack Obama’s photograph which was a problem of copyrights which was taken by photographer Mannie Garcia. The problem was he didn’t credit the original owner and consent to use the photograph. He didn’t ask permission if he could use the photo and during the case he didn’t tell the truth about the photograph he used as reference. It’s about getting consent when using an image and crediting it which gives recognition and respect to the original owner.