A Communication Design Portfolio

Category: Process Journal

This Process Journal is a place for collecting ideas, freewriting, images, links, videos, reflections and documenting the creative process.

Typographic Sample

Project Description

“March For Jesus”

Location: Forest Park Bandshell

Date: Aug/17/2024

This event was a March for people who are christian. Almost 1000 people joined the march and I had the opportunity to design the Banner for the church I attend, I also designed the flyers that was handed out a week before the march and printed almost 1000 copies. The March was a success.


The process behind the design was not to difficult only because I had multiple designs in my head, but what was difficult was having the information to put on the banner. The idea of this banner was to be simple but screams a loud message, and after 15 different designs of this banner, 3 of them got approved and im proud to say they used my designs in all category’s. when it came to banner/flyers and logos.

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Photography Sample

Project Description

This is a project I had in photography class, the main objective was to become a model for a brand that you like to wear, and mine is NIKE.


In this project we are instructed to direct the Camera crew. Instruct the Camera man to adjust the ISO, Frame Rate, using the 3 point perspective. Also, we had to instruct the lighting man to focus the light on different parts of our body to have a half dark Half light. This was a fun project to do because it made us individuals come together and work together to make our project a grade A. with different ideas and going with the best idea to fully extract the best way to complete this project.

Drawing Sample

Project Description

These are personal art pieces that I have made for people. each one of these art pieces are different genres that have the same family of drawing. I love drawing cartoons because cartoons hide the dark from children and allows children to be happy when they see so many colors. but as you get older and start looking back at cartoons you use to watch when you was a child, there are deeper messages these cartoons have when you look deep into it.


Making these projects are no hassle, when I put on jazz and get in the zone of doing my art. I have this feeling of escaping in my drawing and I put my heart and soul into each one of my drawing, I also leave my tag (TJTEARS) hidden in each one of these art pieces. so if you find it….lucky you!.

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Layout and Design

Project Description

For my ComD 2400 class, I had make an ad campaign based on a real world movers company (Rabbit Movers)


In the Process of making this ad campaign, it was quite difficult getting My professors approval for all the other campaigns I have designed. Using my professors Critique I have made 3 designs using ProCreate to accomplish these ads. Rabbit Movers are a Company that is involved with Moving there clients items safely to another destination with no worries…Rabbit Movers would allow there clients to relax as they do the work for them…and in the night they are know for displaying Art shows.

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