Scavenger Hunt Instructions

Please create a new post for your group, and upload the photos from your scavenger hunt.

NOTE: Photo files tend to be large, and eat up space quickly! Please resize your photos as you upload them. Instructions for image resizing can be found here:


Welcome Third Year Fellows!

Welcome! This is the blog for the Second Year Faculty Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of the City Tech Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory.

You can use the blog to post comments about the work we’re doing in the seminar, about General Education at CityTech, or about anything else you think might be of interest to the group. To add a new post, you can click the grey “+” symbol in the menu bar at the top of the page and select “Post“.  You can also leave a comment in response to an existing post (like this one) by clicking the “Leave a Reply” link below.

You can also pose questions in the seminar’s discussion forum, or create documents that all fellows can contribute to and edit collaboratively.