DISCUSSION: What is a Portfolio?
- Not a discrete object; Solid/Liquid/Gas analogy
- Portfolio can be (should be): PDF, website, book, reel, social media account, process book
- Where does your portfolio live?
- What do you really need to include in your portfolio?
- What do you need a portfolio for?
- Who do you send your portfolio to?
- How do you know if your work is “portfolio-ready”?
What is/are your Disciplines?
- Write your “About Me” or “Objective” statement – Who are you? What do you do, etc.
- Your discipline(s) determine(s) the structure of their portfolio.
- You will have to produce portfolios across multiple channels.
- What are these multiple channels? What does that mean in today’s professional creative landscape?
Who is your audience and what is your career strategy?
- Find a job.
- Get a job.
- Keep the job.
- Do it again. (And again, and again.)
- A = your portfolio is good enough to get into the show
- B = by week 14 it is almost there and just needs some tweaking to get into the show
- C/D = not there, not enough work, not polished, not coherent (no narrative)
Week 1 Homework (begin research, writing in class)
- Create personal branding system that can be used across all channels
- Logo/monogram
- Avatars
- Colors
- Contextual system for framing work
- A signature? Show Sienkiewicz/Simonson, etc.
- Check LinkedIn – sign up if not already signed up
- Take a deep dive, starting with links on site
- Look at Job Titles and Respsonibilities
- Look at how people write about themselves: What’s good and what’s not?
- Find THREE people that really interest you and be prepared to explain why
- Share links of agencies/studios for Ad/Design students, figure out for other disciplines
- Look at their projects/case studies and ask these questions:
- Who/what is the brand?
- Who is the target audience
- What is the channel (for distribution)
- Look at their projects/case studies and ask these questions: