Category Archives: Uncategorized

Field Trip Announcement

Class, we will be taking a field trip to visit the Yale School of Drama on Friday, May 4th. This will be a great opportunity to see behind the scenes at a few shows, tour their shops, and talk to … Continue reading

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Jack Brace Testing Day

Good work getting a lot of testing done today. We’ve still got a ways to go on this project, but are making progress. There are two items you should write up and bring in on Monday, March 19th: Write a … Continue reading

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Post 3

Team 1: Rinaldis Movers: Time = 8 Mins Left / Spent = $8.36 Team 2: We Move Stuff: Time = 9 Mins Left / Spent = $6.75 Team 3: Non Labeled: Time = 8 Mins Left / Spent = $10.74 … Continue reading

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Notes 2/28

Sketch Presentation AKA 1st check-in Each group went around and presented their approach/sketch of the problem We have an open calendar in terms of other shows happening at the same time. We have have free-reign over molding material By the … Continue reading

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NOTES: Monday, 2/26/18

Earlier in Class: (Problem 2 Re-Cap): What can we do to make our solutions to Problem 3 more efficient? – Installation drawings are also an important part of the drafting process. – Take the time to think and incorporate installation … Continue reading

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Here’s a quick video on brainstorming that might help you come up with ideas as a group. It seems like it is aimed at a slightly younger age group, but it still covers a few different methods in a short … Continue reading

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Lumber prices- certified lumber

1/8″ massonite- $8.40 1/4″ massonite- $24.19 1/2″ MDF- $29.76 3/4″ ply- $30.45 2×6 hem fir green 16′- $13.93 2×4 hem fir green 16′- $10.82  

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February 7 What is a TD 

February 7 What is a TD Class Discussion Budget Materials prep Manages Execute designer vision Coordinates schedule Responsible for safety Optimized system Efficient use of resources John Manager/Leader Delegates Task Draft Schedule Design Vision with Reality Organized Communicantes Plans Safety … Continue reading

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Note taking Workshop

If you want to improve your note-taking ability, there is a class coming on Tuesday, February 13th focused on that topic. Details are below, and in the attached flyer. Better Note Taking, Better Grades: A Student Workshop Date: Tuesday, February 13, … Continue reading

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Class 2 Notes: Portfolios

In the beginning of the class there were few questions about currently assigned Problem #1 Q: How detailed the description of making a sandwich has to be? To we need to describe how to open a jar? A: We assume … Continue reading

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