NOTES: Monday, 2/26/18

Earlier in Class:
(Problem 2 Re-Cap): What can we do to make our solutions to Problem 3 more efficient?

– Installation drawings are also an important part of the drafting process.
– Take the time to think and incorporate installation drawings in Problem 3.
– Installation may be simple, but often, exact dimensions may change depending on how assembly is.

– Ask yourself, what did you learn? What was your biggest weakness? What will you do to tackle those weaknesses for Problem 3?

Things to consider before starting your final plan:
– Consider the skill of your crew.
– Find different ways to approach the problem.
– Prioritize a bare minimum of drawings to get the basic idea of what you need for orders.
– Make quick sketches. Look over them to decide what your options are.
– Do research as early on as possible to prepare yourself.
– Until the budget is approved, don’t do construction drawings.
– Know what your plan is before doing detail work.
– It is not often that your first idea is your best idea.

Creative process is iterate. You will have to change something.

Communication within our groups:
– Try to pick one form of communication and get everyone to commit to it.
– It may change from job to job, but as long as there is a solid, single platform of communication that everyone can mutually access, communication will become slightly easier and faster.

What makes a hypothetical production hypothetical?:
– There is no real show, so there are no real consequences.
– No one is being paid.
– The class is in groups, so we can all consult each other and faculty for advice.
– We are given more time for projects in school, than in a “real-life” professional environment.
-There is no actual budget.

Final Recommendation:
-Do not get emotionally attached to your scenery in a show.


Problem 3 (Flats):
Calendar: Spring ’18
Opening Day: Thursday, March 22nd

Things to keep in mind:
-Keep all and any samples or prototypes.
– The door in the scenery will be slammed a lot.
-The wall should not shake when the door slams.
-There is no determined budget yet.

-Top lighting, side lighting, lighting behind scenery.
(Think of this when deciding what material to make your masking flat out of!)

*Designer drawings on separate Openlab post.

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