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We feel safety at the City Tech campus needs to be taken seriously. City Tech does not do provided teachers, students and staff what to do in emergency situations. Team Awesome has put together a learning game to teach teachers, students and staff what to do before, during, and after an emergency situation. Users who play our game will learn how to be safe in situations including, storms, blackouts, disaster, and terrorist attacks.
There are many different situations that could come up unexpectedly that would cause a student to stress out and get stuck form panic. Team Awesome wants to eliminate that fear and keep a student under control, safe and confident in case of an emergency. We also want to prepare students on what to do before and after the situation. As a student here at City Tech there are people here to help you and willing to help including helping you get back on your feet and even collect money from the school to event help you get back on your feet. Team awesome wants to take all that info and help students in a private positive way.
Team Awesome is composed of multi talented students who want to create a safety game and make you safe and more successful about personal awareness, our team consist of: Andrew Schild- Event Project Manager and Designer, Isamar Garcia- Morales and Cepeda, R. our research and documentation team.
How our game works:
Team Awesome goal is to make your emergency idea became a literal reality. The way our game works is simple but will be educational and entertaining for hours.
First the user signs up on our website with a valid email address and username. Once signed up and logged in the student will go to our game page.
Second , once there, we will show the player random emergency information about what to do in case of an emergency happens, after the allotted amount of time (7 sec) the timer will go off and the trivia portion will appear.
Third, the user will be asked multiple choices questions about what they saw on the fact sheets. Then the user can either; Answer all the questions (and win) or they will have 3 chances to lose and learn.
How this will be done:

After you become a member of our site and sign up with your email account, you will be asked a series of questions that will allow the researchers to provide you with the proper emergency situations that you might occur in your daily travels. Our system matches your responses with keywords to compare the situations with the information in your survey. We will spend about 2 weeks getting all the proposed for this site including images and sounds bytes. Once the search is complete we will input all of the information into the games. The emergency game has been developed to appeal to the student base for which it was designed for by incorporating elements that people use in daily life; the screen is developed to look like a text message, or the correct answer can get you a buzz, or you get a like instead of the normal, just right. After you have completed the game, the results will tell you what question you got wrong and what was the right answer. Knowing the right answer to the question is highly important because it helps you plan and act ahead in a case of an emergency.

Once you are done reading the results you will see yourself walking around school with new knowledge that you were not aware before because you were so focused in Acing your class. You will all of a sudden catch yourself looking at fire exits, fire extinguishers and fire alarms. Small things (emergency procedures) that you thought were not important will seem highly important when facing a real emergency situation. Maybe walking through a common exit meant exiting the building. But the school is surrounded by a lot of exits that are closer to the streets and yet, you’re exiting the longer way. An in case of an emergency, you will find the closest exit to evacuate before the ones that use the common exit because you read and discovered a new exit. Knowing emergency procedures can help you in many situations, whether you are in school or out in the public. Spreading the word to your friends, strangers, and family members can also help them.  So stay cool and act fast!!


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