Reflection: Throughout the making of this project I learned new knowledge on different ways to look at the design process. While making my Mind Map I had to express things about me that inspires curiosity while little to no limits to my imagination. Therefore I went all out and drew to my heart’s content, almost forgetting that I needed to express some of my thoughts in words as well. The next part of this project I had to choose only 3 of my thoughts and go on by making logo type sketches. In this part I went trough a lot because of all the limitations that were required. Every time I had an idea of what my thumbnails will look like I wasn’t able to do them or I just didn’t like it. Once I had most of my thumbnails down I had to choose a total of six from all the sketches, refine it and ink them. I feel like this was the part of the project that I learned from the most. To go through that whole process of filling a background or outlining different sections all over again was something, I feel like, is crucial to be good at when doing graphic design.