Final Project-Milk Campaign

Here is my Thumbnails for the final project. It’s a campaign to encourage people to drink more milk!

Development of Thumbnails to Rough Sketches Below:



Finally, the final story board in full color. Enjoy!
Background to the final storyboard. Mr. Johnson is a grumpy old man who just moved into his local retirement home. The scene starts off during lunch. Mr. Johnson is the first one in line and is eager to get his way. The lunch lady, Betty, tries to birghten his day and offer him milk. The rest of the storyboard panels relate to an overexaggeration the benefits of drinking milk have (i.e. strong bones, less stress, fit muscles, gets rid of osteoparosis/ arthrithis in old age, etc). The panels are meant to change from grey to color, to enlighten the mood, from angry to joyful.  The target audience is for people in their late 50’s and older, but mainly its a form of a Public Service Announcement encouraging everyone to drink milk. Enjoy!

P.S. Don’t mind the first attached image of the thumbnails, it keeps popping up when i upload my images. (technical difficulities) All the colored slides are for the final and are in order.




ROUGH DRAFTS-B&W Camera movement and angles. (add-ons)

Here are the final story boards for camera angles!!

Noir Project

Hello Class! Here is my concept for the Noir Project from start to finish, enjoy!