Ethics in Design 2A

I have gained a great deal of knowledge about copyright, using other artists’ photos and illustrations, and my obligations as a designer to clients, other designers, and the public from reading the AIGA Design Guides. After reading about the “HOPE Poster” case, I now have a better understanding of image source and how altering photos that I haven’t sought for permission to use or bought a license for could harm my reputation as a designer and artist in addition to costing me money.


Ethics in Design 1B

I haven’t yet been required to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement with the company for this internship. I have simply had to sign and submit an internship agreement document to the company. My personal information, details about the company and the duties I would be performing during the internship, and a list of terms that applied to both the company and me were all included in this internship agreement form. I’ll be sure to abide by all rules that my organization’s managers have set for me as a designer.


  • A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA.

Ethics in Design 1A

I’ve always been careful about the graphics and designs I use in new projects to ensure that the company is satisfied. In order to create works that complemented the organization’s message, I had to use the resources provided by the organization, such as their logo and branding colors, in addition to adding my own unique touches. according to AIGA’s “A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process.”

I provided project versions to my supervisors for several of my initial jobs without the logo or branding colors. My supervisor’s criticism helped me make the necessary adjustments to ensure that my work was in line with the organization’s mission. Every project I create for the organization is done with the organization’s best interests in mind, and I will always do so.


  • “A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA.