Week 1: The Beginning of my Internship

We simply introduced ourselves and learned about our upcoming endeavors during the initial meeting. After some discussion, our team decided to adopt Asana for communication. Additionally, we use a spreadsheet to record the number of hours worked each week. Our initial task was to review City Tech OpenLab and provide both positive and negative comments on the website. In order to serve as a model for other students who require portfolio assistance, our first goal is to work on our e-portfolio. In my portfolio, I discover different themes that can enhance visually my home page. One theme that I used before is called ” Koji”. in my opinion ,I felt like this theme is very simple and authentic. The sub- navigation and the homepage along with the latest post manifest as a visually in a grid layout design with wider blocks. This theme didn’t satisfy my expectations for my portfolio so I tried to look up and investigate for the theme called ” Twenty Twenty-Two” I believe this is a new theme so for the next week, I’ll see how it goes navigating with this theme.

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