About Me

Hi everyone! Hi! my name is Tais Chicaiza, you can call me Tais or call me by my second name, which is Pamela, either way, is fine. I’m 21 years old and currently, this is my 3rd semester at New York City College Of Technology. I was born in Ecuador and raised there. I only speak English and Spanish. 

When I was little, around 8 years old, used to play a lot with the computer. At that time, that was the only computer that I had and I remember that back then, computers didn’t have the same capacities that we have today. I used to draw inside a program that was a part of Windows XP. This was how I started in finding out more about art. Drawing on my computer was like my comfort zone. I was fascinated by how I could create so many things. Using the mouse and delining with the brush tool influenced me to elaborate on new ideas. That was when I realized that art is all about creating something visually appealing that transmits a message or a feeling. That is why I chose this major.  In the future, I plan to develop my skills and get better at my drawings as well as challenging myself to new things.