Typical Day

Even though this internship is remote, I would say that my days are only stuck in my room as I’m fulfilling every task that I need to complete for the project. I do my best to remain on top of all of my work, whether it is internship or class-related. While it can be difficult to keep up with school assignments, internships, and a part-time work, I believe I need to improve a lot with my time management. In terms of time management, I was searching up for solutions to stop with procrastination. As I was investigating, I found that pomodoro timer is the solution to track my time. The Pomodoro Technique typically involves working for 25 minutes or longer and then taking a short break, and then repeating. With this technique, it can help Maintain concentration, Reduce mental fatigue, Preventing burnout,  Reduce procrastination , Manage distractions, Breaking down big tasks into smaller, and more manageable pieces. I felt very satisfied with the process on maintaining my time in a orderly manner.

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