Author Archives: tanya

Work Internship (Tetiana Baranovska)

Tetiana Baranovska
Journal entry for intership
(1 week) 9/20-9/23
Long week, worked for 8 hours 4 days a week. Met new staff, worked with clients. Was given a lot of assigments. Created post card for barbeque place, post card for platinum jewelery, Stiker, a lot business cards for different clients.
(2 week) 9/27-9/30
Short week, worked on 3 brochures 1 – for pizza, 2 –Panini bread
Change the layouts, colors, type face.
(3 week)10/4-10/7
Improved my skills in InDesign, learned new tools. Created 1 flyer, post card, window sign.
(4 week) 10/11-10/14
Fixed up my previouse work. Made fryer for music band, Post card for food company. Learned how to use a few effects in InDesign and I applied them to my work. I thinked creatively and developed artistic concepts that are eye-catching.

(5 week) 10/18-10/28
Worked on Menu for restaurant improved my skills using tabs in InDesign.Before i did not now how to use them properly, so i have learned.
Designed 3 business cards for restaurants.
(6 week) 10/25-10/28
Long week worked 16.5 hours, did a lot of work, finished menus, worked on post cards for Indian restaurants, did nice layout with Indian food and used Indian colors, texture background. Also did post card for Eropan café.
(7 week) 11/1-11/4
Worked for 8.5 hours, short week. Created board for pizza restaurant, (for pasta, salad). Also created business card for them.
(8 week) 11/8-11/11
Worked for 12 hours. Was working on Be Juice menu board created layout, with nice photos. Was working for Silver Bullet menu, typed text, fixing prices.
(9 week) 11/15-11/18
Worked for 6 hours. Created post for lunch. Was fixing menu for Sophies Cuban cuisian. Changing layouts and pricing.

link for my internship work

Project brief

Tetiana Baranovska COMD3530
Health Benefits of Playing Tennis
By Michael Cramton

A tennis match requires players to move side to side, up and back and at differing speeds to test a variety of muscles in your legs. And the inherent movements in a typical match help to improve forearm strength, back muscles and core development.
Tactical – Brain Development
Tennis is based on geometry and physics, and can help develop tactical thinking similar to playing a game of chess. Since a large proponent of playing tennis involves alertness and tactical thinking to develop shot patterns, the sport helps to generate new connections between nerves in the brain. Played over the course of many years, tennis can help improve or maintain brain development, keeping you alert and sharp well into your golden years.
The more you play tennis, the more you develop the fine motor skills required in ball striking, gauging distance and personal coordination.
Tennis tests your balance, speed, footwork and hand-eye coordination through a variety of techniques and movements. The better you become on the courts, you can also expect these attributes improve other aspects of your life.
In a recent study performed at Southern Connecticut State University, which tested the psychological benefits of several sports and among non-athletes, tennis players scored higher in self-esteem, vigor and optimism, while scoring lower for factors such as confusion, tension, anxiety and depression.
Regularly playing tennis can help keep you motivated on your professional path, as well as help you overcome obstacles that you may encounter in your personal life.
Other sports may provide differing levels of health benefits—swimming for upper body, running for leg strength and soccer for tactical reasoning—but none of them combine them in such an efficient package as the sport of tennis.
All of these health benefits make tennis one of the most beneficial sports you can play, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Project brief
“ Health Benefits of Playing Tennis”
By Michael Cramton
1)Scientists and physicians around the world view tennis as the most healthful activity in which you can participate. There may be other sports that can provide excellent health benefits and some which can provide mental and emotional growth.  But no sport other than tennis has ever been acclaimed from all disciplines as one that develops great benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. Cheerful text makes you start play tennis and take care of your health, keep you in a good shape.
2)It’s not too late for adults and seniors to play tennis.  The human system can be trained and improved at any stage of life.
3)My literal approach to get people to play tennis to show beauty of the rackets, to get people be healthier.
4)My images should include for 1 idea people (playing tennis, happy and healthy), 2 idea still life photography (show beauty and power of sport by showing on image racket and ball for tennis).
5)My models will be strong healthy looking people in a good shape.
6)Rackets and balls for tennis
7)I would use side lighting. This is arguably my favorite kind of light. Side light is light coming from the left or right of the subject. Or back lighting back lighting happens when the light source is behind the subject.
8)I would use side lighting natural colors, maybe bright to make photo look heathy, I would use high depth of field, to focus more on objects.


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