Category Archives: Electronic Profile

I am Tatianna Atkinson

I am Tatianna Atkinson and I recently graduated from Achievement First University Prep High school. My academic goal is to graduate from college in four years. I desire to graduate within four years because it will allow me to be able to professionally begin my career in event planning. I do not currently have any career experience because I aimed to focus on school and not create any other responsibilities. By only focusing on school it will allow me to take school serious and graduate on time. My career goal is to work for a event planning business then after a couple years of experience I want to open my own event planning business. My personal strengths are being positive, enthusiastic and persevering through challenges.I have learned through my high school experiences that the more negative you are the less work you get done to better yourself. I love being around positive energy, not only because it keeps me positive but it also keeps me focused. I love being enthusiastic because it shows that I am interested in what I am learning and shows that I enjoy learning. Lastly, I love persevering  through challenges because I hate giving up. I believe giving up is for the weak and I have a goal that I want to accomplish. Personal interests that drive my professional attributes is the desire for the spotlight. I love being the center of attention, so why not want to give someone else the spotlight? I want to create the spotlight for other people and give them the vision that they desire.